Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Give Me Liberty

From HZ:
I recently saw the movie 'Give me Liberty' on Turner Classic Movies (TCM). It's only a 22 minute film but what an excellent 22 minutes. It's basically a vehicle for portraying Patrick Henry's famous speech. I had never heard of this movie short but I knew I had to have it as soon as I saw it. Unfortunately it is not available on DVD.

This is where I hope you can help. If you would consider mentioning it on your blog, maybe a few of your other readers would go to this page and vote for it's release on DVD. If you have ever read his entire speech and can imagine a well done rendition complete in fiery oratory form ... well, you would have this movie.


  1. Listen to it here:

    Although the speech has been pieced together from different accounts, it is none the less very moving.

  2. I did a little internet detective work.

    This short drama was packaged as one of the several vintage special features of the 2007 DVD release of "The Charge of the Light Brigade" with Errol Flynn.

    Details at DVD Times.

    This DVD can be easily found at Amazon or ebay. Mine is already ordered.

  3. I voted and the count went *down* by one...

  4. alandp, that is superb sleuthing! Thanks!

  5. Also, check Hulu....



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