Thursday, July 31, 2008

I'm the Only One Begging Off Enough

I'm getting so many "Only Ones" tips I'm losing focus on other issues of equal importance.

They will continue to be a regular part of this blog, but I'm noticing how many I've already posted today, and several more are in the queue I doubt I'll be able to get to.

It's a tough balance to know how much is too much. I don't want to discourage tips and am gratified to see this category resonates with so many. By the same token, I don't want it to be the dominant theme here.

I suppose the outrageous thing is that there is an unending and continually replenished stream of examples.

I guess all I'm saying is, don't stop, just please understand if I don't select your tip--in this category or any other--and again, I should be, and am grateful so many of you invest your time and thoughts toward bettering the content of this blog.

Thank you for understanding.


  1. David, you and I went through this a few months ago. I told you, after sending you three news links of out of control parasites/cops, I'm not looking for bad cop stories but they are everywhere. You agreed saying you get worried that some folks will think you are a cop hater, which you made a point to say you were not.
    Frankly, this "law enforcement" demeanor over "Peace officer" is taking a nose dive. The demeanor of "Us vs Them" has gone wrong and its going to keep going wrong because Big Brother Government needs goons to enforce laws that are passed to control ever aspect of people's lives.
    Here's a question on this situation to everyone but David: As we all know anytime cops can steal citizens firearms they do it. This is done because the cops know they are out of control jerks who are lawless and cowards who run in packs. Right or wrong?

  2. Hi David,

    You should be proud that your ideas have taken off so well, and now that the "only ones' series is like a grown rowdy teenager, maybe you should let it fend for its self at another blog, and then give a daily round up and a full post on the 'best' abuse. That we we can still get our daily dose, and those who want more can just click over.

    Just my 2 cents...

    HardCorps, 3pct.

  3. I am, HC, thanks--but take on another blog?

    Why not just ask me to slit my wrists and be done with it?


  4. Anyone want to volunteer to set up an Only Ones blog- maybe a group blog?- to manage all these stories?

  5. What you're saying is that each and every day, one of us lucky tipsters will get to be the Only One chosen! :)

  6. David,

    I glad you will keep the Only One's postings as they MUST stay. How else do we have repository of proof that one's position in society does NOT automatically make them a "better person?"

    However, I like the idea of an Only Ones blog, but it needs a theme.

    As far as someone to post, it would probably be better to have a select group of dedicated volunteers who have agreed to share the duties and do so faithfully.

    Just my 2¢.

  7. David,
    You've lasted longer than anyone would have a right to ask. I get worn out just from trying to get a few who "don't want to be confused by the facts" to listen even a little bit. Maybe a solution will pop up.

  8. I, too, was going say start another page. It won't really be ANOTHER will just be the sibling to this one.


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