Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Meanwhile, Across the Pond in Sarah Brady Paradise

Hat bans.

Freakin' hat bans.

[Via Brian F]


  1. The Brits should ban the wearing of clothing in public. Naked people will be a lot easier to identify. With no pockets the concealed carry of any type weapon would be extremely difficult.

    I hope US Homeland security goons don't read your blog as I may be giving them ideas.

    Imagine flying naked, riding trains and buses naked, crossing state lines and into Canada or Mexico naked. disrobing before being allowed to enter courtrooms, post offices, city halls - it boggles the mind. But, it's no more inane than most of their other regulations.

  2. Sorry, WWW: As I've shown based on site visit logs, DoJ and SS, and various other alphabet agencies, are WoG regulars.

    If there's a list, I'm on it.

  3. Oh, come now. I'm sure that the statist bubbleheads who lobbied for the creation of the spy state considered all the possible consequences to liberty.

    See, now the police (state) can just assume that anyone wearing a hat is a criminal, just like anyone who drops something into a clear liquid. The statist's plan is so easy and foolproof, it's almost like it was devised by a four-year-old with emotional problems, and no practical experience with society.

  4. "Oy, an' no long 'air, either, mate. 'Angs daown in tha face obscurin' oidenitties, loike. Yul Brynner, Sinead O'Connor'll be hinspirations to us oll."

  5. I now have an even better reason to wear my hat at all times and to refuse to take it off indoors. That's a silly modern notion anyway whose time has come and gone. Privacy trumps "politeness" in a police state.


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