Friday, July 25, 2008

Now There's a Skilled Orator

Daley: Don’t say that, because.. Never say that, Fran. Because if someone takes that gun and fires at you, are you willing to take that chance? Not many people are. Besides that, no one likes to have a gun placed in front of their face. So don’t ever think that the guns turned in don’t work. Because there wouldn’t be anyone left in your employ. Really there wouldn’t be anybody left in your company. We’re going to go over there and find out whether they work. We don’t ask anyone to do that. They do work. These weapons are very significant They do work. I don’t know where you’re getting that. A shotgun is a shotgun. A .22 automatic pistol is a .22. They do work.
Everyone at the Sun-Times would be wiped out? That's his argument for "buybacks"?

I guess when it comes to machine politics, having a mental defective as the front man is a plus.

[Via HZ]


  1. What the hell is a ".22 automatic pistol"??

    And where can I get one?

  2. It's Daley. He's the Boss's son.

  3. I don't what drugs he's on, but they're doozies.

  4. Daley IS a fool. It's the fool's place, not to wield power, but to distract the masses from the real wielders of power, ourselves.

  5. Mr. Weebles,
    A .22 automatic pistol is what we used to call a semi-automatic before we had to be more specific. Back then it was understood that you didn't mean a machine pistol, but a firearm that automatically re-loaded if there were rounds in the magazine.
    (sigh) GD PC BS
    - Rapidrobert

  6. I think that mayor Daly made too many parachute jumps without his chute.

  7. He comes across as a distraught idiot juvenile in print. Elected by the dead and the braindead. Truly, he's one of their own.


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