Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Savage in the Sights

A gun expert who testified against the government when David Olofson was on trial for loaning to an acquaintance a gun that misfired now says the government is punishing him for that testimony.
It's great to see this story getting wider recognition. Dreamer that I am, I'd like to see the major papers and news networks pick up on it, too.

I don't mean to inject myself into this, which by right and need should focus on Len Savage, and I hope this doesn't sound like petty whining, but c'mon, WND:

"...a commentary in Guns Magazine said...

"...an online forum on weapons issues..."

I have a name. So does this blog. And this is like the third or fourth time in recent months you've sourced significant contributions to your articles to me without mentioning either.

I hope this doesn't discourage you guys from citing me in the future. But really, do you know a writer who doesn't want and deserve attribution for his work?


  1. Debbie Schlussel at www.debbieschlussel.com says WND rips her off all the time too.

  2. They didn't rip me off--they linked to my work. I just think if you're quoting over 150 words out of a 500 word column, it would be nice to recognize the author.

    Maybe I'm just being whiny and should be glad the work is being recognized. I guess the whole thing is, by using the stuff, they're demonstrating it added value to their own effort. And contributors here know I make a positive effort to credit them for story tips, right down to creating links for their collected contributions.

  3. It's weird because they mention GOA by name (and link) they mention JPFO by name (and link), but WOGs, no name but heavily quoted and linked.


    Maybe you should send them a nice fruit basket or something David....


  4. it definitely matters. they should cite out of principle.

    however, it may not have a terribly adverse effect, considering the keywords in the link. they're fairly relevant.

  5. Well, I don't think you're being whiny. You give permission for any and every body to use your work for free. The only restrictions you place on it is attribution and proper context.

    That seems downright generous to me. WND should respect the value of the work and acknowledge the author. Calling them on it isn't whining, it is simply making them aware they are behaving badly.

  6. What SA said. Definitely _not_ whiny.

  7. I hate to say it but -

    WND is run by a man with an over-sized ego. WND runs stories which they claim were broken by WND first, when minor websites that they could conceivably consider "competition" wrote about months before.

    It's a personality flaw not to give credit where credit is due.

    Perhaps they will give appropriate credit in the future, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

    It probably pains them to link to other sites that are breaking news.

    At least some of us know the truth.

    I check WND often. But I check this site more often. Keep up the pressure. It can't hurt. And I'd suggest that you write a letter to the editor about this little problem. I'd like to see them link to more of WOGs stuff. With the proper credit given, of course.


  8. It's not like Dave is trying to stay under the radar or anything and they're respecting that wish.

    WND ran a piece I submitted without including my name. That was that for that.

    I get their daily alert but hardly ever go there.

  9. As far as the chilling effect the government hopes to create by showing what happens to those who defend the innocent, as Mr. Savage is doing:
    They're checking whether there's gas in the tank by looking in with a lighted match.

  10. Just one question, Defender:
    Who's "Dave"?

    Now I am being whiny...:)

  11. If they used 150 words out of a 500 word posting, ie, about a third of it, send them a bill, for, I don't know, a buck a word.

    Staff writers don't get paid any extra for filling out an article, and if they're going to treat you as one, they should pay for it.

    If, on the other hand, they are (finally) willing to give you proper attribution, then withdraw the payment demand.

  12. "David," from the Hebrew, meaning justice.
    David it is. Names are power. Some people say they're destiny.

  13. Sorry, it's Daniel that means justice. My memory...
    David means "beloved." Your parents must have been great people.

  14. Yes, was going to tell you that.

    And yes, I am. Just ask me.

    And yes, they are.

  15. A CNN reporter who talked about the million-person terrorist no-fly watch list in a way that apparently questioned the need for it is now ON the list. The TSA denies it, but he has trouble EVERY TIME he flies.

    Something else I just learned. A HUGE rally for Ron Paul and limited government took place in DC. No media mention.


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