Sunday, July 13, 2008

They Like Me! They Really Like Me!

No they don't, John McCain.

You can keep giving in to the democrat agenda and keep selling out your base, and in the end, the people you're trying to pander to will still disparage you and portray you as the enemy.

Sometimes I wonder if his selection was manipulated by insider moles to destroy the Republican party.


  1. Hah! To destroy the Republican Party? That happened years ago!

  2. i think it's all about framing. stop me if i'm drinking too much coffee, here.

    we -- every AMERICAN, that is -- have spent too long allowing tranzis to frame the mainstream political discourse, just because everything seemed so scientific, where "right" is really actually "accurate" or "precise" and has nothing to do with "ethical" which, actually, is pretty "important" when we size up ideas and concepts.

    if our local culture, our reality-tunnel, put more ideological decision-making weight in morality, we'd be talking about all the same things using notions of ethics instead, which can certainly paint a different idea of "right."

    and we don't need rabid, paranoid nationalism to get behind this, athough i did put "american" in caps for a reason. there are many kinds of nationalism.

    the problem is that once both people in a conversation are talking the same way, they're feeling the same way, and "want to believe" that higher-order circuitry that involves morality and rationality MUST also agree. at least, this is my observation, and i use a pretty nonstandard model for which there is no wikipedia article (sometimes that's a good sign).

    a true party infiltration isn't necessary to explain this, but it would be sufficient, and it might look that way from your seat. after all, compared to the party, we were just born, got here, joined up... now what in tarnation is going on, here? well, the party's been around for hundreds of years. it's had time to backslide and hide it with politically-correct rhetoric.

    from my seat, however, it appears the republicans have spent all this time just trying to keep up to stay in the game. with spending, mostly -- a nation-wide "jones" family of body politick. but to do this, you have to play the word game. you have to accept the frame. which makes you look bad when you twist it. creationists talking about evidence? for all of evolutionary theory's faults, this is just not acceptable to a scientist. sorry!

    if you don't do this, you're "not even talking about the same thing" and "ignorant." at least, in this case, for being righteous instead of "right." for another example, look at the terminology from the abortion debate. ready?

    now, strip all of the meaning from it -- killing babies and potentially saving womens' lives, or whatever else -- are choice and life, on their own, somehow totally antithetical concepts? you've got to be kidding me. what a nightmare of a debate! the government has nothing to do with our bodies. nowhere in any legislature should the term "abortion" even exist: we can handle it ourselves, thanks very much.

    i consider people who join the fray on this one casualties of the war on vocabulary. just my opinion. perhaps we ought to put our autistic control freaks into government and point them at a sandbox society with no real people in it. see what happens.

    anyways, it's a slow death for a large party, which can always fall back to float itself on weaker platform points which have no direct economic impact, like what people do in the privacy of their own home, what people do in the privacy of their OB/GYN.

    you can watch this in high-speed though, if you like. just check out the LP and bob barr! i know, i know. i'm being facetious, given where i am posting this. however.

    l. neil hit the nail on the head just recently. the LP forgot how to be radical enough to garner any attention. i submit that the republican party is suffering from the same malady.

    the sad tragedy is that it's now other republicans who are going on record stating that some classical republican ideas are simply too radical for the party platform, and that the world no longer works the way it used to, or that "we're at war."

    we certainly are.

    still, i am more than willing to entertain the possibility that you know something i don't.

  3. You don't often miss, David. However, you did this time. McCain isn't selling out his base.

    His base is and has been for a very long while the manipulators of the Democtrat agenda. He is just so self-centered and narcississtic that he can't believe he isn't the manipulator instead of the manipulated.


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