Friday, July 18, 2008

We're the Only Ones "B -- -- , You Don't Know Who You're F -- -ing With" Enough

On Tuesday afternoon, dozens of children at a community center in Treme ran inside screaming that a lady outside had a gun.

The woman - who according to several witnesses announced that she was a New Orleans police officer - had come to the Treme Community Center to pick up a 7-year-old nephew and, for reasons unknown, became enraged at the driver of the car in front of her in the pickup line, witnesses said.
So naturally, her "Only One" colleagues let her go.

It does explain why NOPD is so intent on disarming everybody else, doesn't it?

One of you left a comment to another post a short while ago--I should have bookmarked it so I could give proper credit and get it exact, but the gist of it was, when an abusive authority pulls "Do you know who I am?" the proper response should be "No, but I can find out by reading tomorrow's paper." we go: Meet Ashley Terry.

[Via Ed D]


  1. If the caption had said "Ashley Terry, violent drug gang ho," I wouldn't have been surprised a bit.
    "Come to my truck"? I have NO DOUBT that that would have been "an aggressive act" on the part of the other woman and Terry would have done something extreme -- more extreme than she did.
    I have to say that a New Orleans resident who still uses that tired old phrase "protect and serve" -- has she been in a coma for three years?
    How I miss the old days, when they would just flash their badge and order you around with that QUIET menace in their manner.

  2. Anyone remember the story some years ago about the exhausted airline worker who had to address such an attitude? A man bypassed a huge line of people waiting to be reassigned after cancellations, demanded attention from her immediately, and flung his Ace of trump with "Do you have any idea who I am?"

    The exhausted worker spoke into the intercom, for everyone to hear, to the effect of "Ladies and gentlemen, I may require your help. We have a customer up here WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS."

    That one gets my vote. Man, would I have loved to see that.

  3. Here is my letter to Governor Bobby Jindal. I urge everyone to write him. However do not leave out one important point as I accidentally did.;

    Please read this account. in hte news ;

    If as you say it is time to get a game plan and to do the things that are good for the citizen and the state of Louisiana, as a former resident of Louisiana, a state I dearly love, and as a very close neighbor even today, I urge you to introduce legistation that removes the restriction of firearms possession on school grounds and any other venues that such restrictions apply.

    Further, I urge you to put the Attorney General to work, specifically on this particular case and prosecute this uniformed thug under any all applicable laws. In conjunction with this action I urge you to undertake a comprehensive investigation into the New Orleans Police Department, and the city administration of New Orleans. They have repeatedly committed criminal acts without consequence.

    It is time to put a stop to it. Moat Americans have never lived in Louisiana and because of that , they have no idea what a wonderful and warm people inhabit the state. But they know about the long string of criminality rampant in New Orlaans. That is why for most Americans Louisiana is a laughingstock at best, and a cesspool at worst.

    You cannot fix what is wrong with the state until you stop the abuses of its citizens by elected officials and/or their uniformed thugs.

    This is an open letter as I will be posting it all over the internet wherever reference is made to this latest atrocity by officially endowed abusers of authority. Any response you care to make to me will also be posted, in fairness to you.

    You may think as a former resident I have no standing to inject my thoughts into this issue, but as an American it is my duty to do so.

    I hope as an American and a governor of one of its states you now do your duty.


    Charles H. Sawders

  4. Excellent.
    I hope he listens and ACTS.

    "You may think as a former resident I have no standing..."

    He may, but WE don't. Only if many of us address this kind of thing WHEREVER IT IS DONE with the people with the most authority will it change. You can live on the East Coast and email officials in Cali, Utah, Colorado. Might be even MORE effective for them to know the whole country cares. It always begins with small incidents, locally. Police state societies are a constellation of "isolated incidents" of abuse of power. And those incidents are always glossed over as "no violation" or "one rogue employee." And then it happens AGAIN.

  5. Again we come to the foot of the throne, figuratively speaking, to petition for redress of grievances. If no redress is forthcoming -- as it wasn't in the days of Mr. Patrick Henry whom I quote; rather, an escalation of abuses was the result -- at some point it may be the enforcers who "don't know who they're f--ing with."

    "Get that piece of sh-- Chevy Caprice out of this fire lane, Mr. Muhammad, Mr. Malvo, or else!"


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