Friday, July 25, 2008

We're the Only Ones Ordering Take-Out Enough

Oregon law allows emergency responders to park in no-parking zones when responding to emergencies or chasing suspects. The law says nothing about sushi.
So, naturally, "Portland police leaders say they plan to ask city commissioners to make it legal for officers to park in no-parking zones when ordering food or stopping for a restroom break."

Because they're, you know, The "Only Ones"...

[Via IMB]


  1. Well, when you really NEED sushi RIGHT NOW, I guess it's kind of an emergency.

    Of course, they're the "Only Ones" who would have such an urgent need for it.

  2. Good, you DID catch this one. I had the ol' emailer fired up and ready, just in case.

    Here's a slightly longer version:

    But the dead tree fishwrapper was even longer, including some fascinating bits about how the officer didn't want to risk anyone pestering the rifles in his car. This makes me wonder if I toss a rifle rack with filler into my truck then *I* can park in no-parking zones!

    There was also a bunch of whiny screed about how these guys were in their cars and on patrol for TEN WHOLE HOURS and needed some slack cut when it came time to taking a break....

    Look for changes soon to Oregon's law, making sure that the Only Ones continue to be Only Ones.


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