Tuesday, July 29, 2008

We're the Only Ones Who Gotta Do What We Gotta Do Enough

Police have stripped a New York City officer of his badge and gun after a video posted on YouTube showed him body-checking a bicyclist who was part of a Times Square demonstration.
Here's the video. Sure looks like attempted murder to me. Why aren't there criminal charges?

Oh there were? But not against the surprise attacker "Only One"? Against the cyclist?

[A]ttempted assault in the third degree, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct...
And looky here. The ape "lives at home with his father...a highly respected detective." Again with the word "respected." What is it with this part of the country?

And according to Pops:
"He's my son. I'm proud of him. He's third-generation that's been serving the city," said Pogan Sr..."These people are taking over the streets and impeding the flow of traffic. Then you gotta do what you gotta do"...
So we're into the Third Age of Pogan and this particular family has been inflicting themselves on... I mean, "serving" the populace like this for three generations?

You know what would have gone down had this fortuitous video not been taken and made public. One can only wonder how many others have been and continue to be brutalized without witnesses or legal recourse--how many generations have been subjugated by those with a "gotta do" attitude, backed up with that "lift a finger" promise...

[Via SameNoKami, Dave Licht, Leo G, Andre D, did I miss anybody?]


  1. Attempted murder charges should be brought against that PIG.

    The bicyclist wasn't wearing a helmet and could have easily been killed, or seriously injured by the criminal actions of said PIG.

  2. When you worship the police-state, respect is like an automatic response to a badge. When you prefer liberty, the gag reflex is more likely.

  3. There isn't much to investigate, he did it. It was taped. Any delay in bringing criminal charges against this thug, means there won't be any charges.

    The cyclist even tried his damnedest to avoid the uniformed thug.

    Beyond the charges of attempted murder, assault and battery, and denial of civil rights, should be added charges of perjury and filing a false police report against said thug.

    However, nothing will happen to correct this or to send a message to others in the department that this is unacceptable, thus making the day these assholes will run and hide from gunfire (and they will, when faced with a parity of force) ever closer.

    Think how many people were actually there and saw this. There will be a small number of them converted from willing prey ton unwilling but possibly deadly resisters.

    When I was ten years old I put the chief of police of my small town on his knees for a lot less insult to my great grandmother. Mostly luck, for him too. Had I not been so young and tiny for my age, I would have hurt him much worse than just swollen gonads.

  4. Didn't finish. That last was not to brag, but to point out that even the most unlikely will reach a point of intolerance for abuse. There were some in that crowd who reached that point, count on it.

  5. As someone who used to live in NYC, and as someone who made his living as a bicycle messenger, I can tell you that this nonsense is an all too regular occurrance.

    I can also tell you that the cyclist involved wasn't tactically aware. The greatest advantage of a bicycle isn't speed, it's lateral movement, ie, the ability to swerve. As soon as the JBT committed, one needs to wait about a second and then go around the other side. Been there, done that, have the clean record to prove it. I know the guy 'shouldnt' have had to do that, but this is the real world. Those cops weren't just standing in the middle of the street, they were looking to see someone who wasn't really paying attention. They let the guy with the video camera go by, even though he would have been far easier to take down. Not an accident.

    Educated white middle-class folks especially, but people in general who choose not to use a car to get around really threaten the NYPD. I don't know why, but it does.

  6. To protect and serve... jeez.

  7. They must be teaching how to knock people off bikes now.


  8. Many police are honorable people, but the profession is attractive to those who want power and influence over others handed to them. Typical bullies.

    Similar to the way pedophiles are attracted to jobs that place them in positions of authority over their victims.

  9. corbinkale, I am not so sure the word "many" applies.

    I never see one of them arrest an asshole like this. If there were many honorable people in police departments the dishonorable wouldn't be so ubiquitous nor open in their predations.

  10. http://theerant.yuku.com/topic/7789/t/Video-shows-NYPD-cop-assaulting-cyclist.html?page=1

    This is a link to a charming site called NYPD Rant, or at least that's what it used to be called. I became a member some time back as I was trying to find out what made some cops attack during Critical Mass and others would just watch the sometimes drunken idiocy roll past. Since I was upfront about my not being an officer, my membership was terminated, but that's OK. I wasn't the Only One this happened to.

  11. So much for the few bad apples theory--at least as represented by that sty.


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