Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another 85-Year-Old Woman

An 85-year-old great-grandmother from Lake Lynn, Fayette County kept an alleged burglar at bay using a .22-caliber pistol...

"Dial 911 and don't attempt to throw the phone at me, or do anything bad or i'll just shoot you," Smith said.
Imagine that. She could control a much younger, much stronger predator with just one finger.

[Via cycjec]

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Codrea didn't mention the contrast with Justice Scalia's "cell phone and handgun" example in the Heller decision, which struck me as being nescient even on the first reading. The heroine here didn't try to do both. She did employ a handgun, but there's much to be said for shotguns also. I saw a great account of how one wheelchair confined person rid his premises of intruders when they heard the racking sound, but haven't been able to find it again. All the best, cycjec


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