Saturday, August 23, 2008


Barack Obama named Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware as his vice presidential running mate early Saturday, balancing his ticket with a seasoned congressional veteran well-versed in foreign policy and defense issues.
Don't you just love the way the "Authorized Journalists" spin things right from the get-go?

A six-term Beltway insider? What the hell happened to "Change"?

We know nothing will change in relation to democrat attacks on gun ownership.

And if you really want to experience a few moments of hopelessness, go watch the video clip posted here to see how our next president will be selected.

I wonder if Biden will plagiarize his acceptance speech?


  1. Biden is a hard core tax and spend liberal.

  2. One thing we can do at the polls is make sure the other slime bag anti-gunners don't get re-elected like Nancy Pissoly. If enough Pro-gunners take back Congress then the president can do nothing.

  3. McCain's been in Congress for 26 years. Forecast is for NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER, whoever wins, unless people make a bold stroke for third-party-ness. It would take them some time in power to become as apathetic and corrupt. I'd like to see them get the chance.
    Remember, Bush's and Congress's approval rating is as low as any president and Congress in history. If not now, when?

  4. That video of the beach interviews made me sick to my stomach. Literally.

  5. Third party, isn't Bob Barr the third party piece of shit we keep hearing about.
    Seems the deck is so stacked that even the third party choice is trash like the other two.

  6. You know what to do when the ballot box no longer works.

  7. They sell us our president the same way
    They sell us our homes and our cars... Jackson Browne, "Lives in the Balance"

    Indeed. Name recognition, repetition, hammering us with the name and a slogan that could be interepted to mean anything. The people in the video are like The Tonight Show's Jaywalk All-Stars: clueless. That's your average person. That's not an elitist view, it's borne out by what we see every four years, every DAY on the roads, every night on TV. Red state, Blue state, the candidate who looks most like me and who makes the BEST unkeepable promises... if I can remember what some of them were. Duh.
    A very clear reminder of why despots get rid of intellectuals, first thing. They point out the flaws in "paradise."

  8. Vietnam is just recovering financially from the destruction, not of the war in the early '70s, but communist policies. Cambodia is just holding trials of the Khmer Rouge, their own communist plague around that same time, who are dying of old age after living lives of luxury.
    Once tyranny takes root, it can take generations to prune it back and dig it out.
    Americans are looking forward to sitting in the shade. A parasitic tree that sucks their money and their blood will still keep them cool and comfortable as they grow weaker and more obedient.
    Until they make excellent fertilizer.

  9. Someone on another site said if, for instance, the War on Drugs WAS ever called off, drug gangs would just find another contraband to deal in (ammunition seems likely to become such).
    I saw an interview with someone in a gang. He said he'd be GLAD to get out of it and get a legitimate job -- for $100,000 a year, a nice private office, a pretty secretary and a couple of assistants under him. His work experience? Zero.
    Looks like TV has taught him that that's how the average American noncriminal lives. No wonder they're bitter and angry.
    I ain't no fortunate son.

  10. His work experience? Zero.

    I recall after the LA riots a TV reporter interviewed some young worthies demanding jobs, who insisted they didn't want just any jobs, they wanted to be managers.

    No freakin' clue. The title--and the implication that it authorizes them to tell others what to do--is the level they were operating on.

    The fact that they would actually be workplace liabilities didn't even enter into things.


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