Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A Credible Threat

Authorities are investigating whether a man arrested with rifles, ammunition and drugs in his truck made statements threatening Barack Obama, but emphasize he never posed a "credible threat" to the candidate or the Democratic National Convention.
Of course it was. Not to The Lightworker, to us.

Those who make up their minds from sound bites now have further media prompting to fear white men with scoped rifles, all spotlighted elements of the original report.

Forget that Nazis are socialists. Forget that we sober-minded patriots don't traffic in meth. Forget that freedom activists work toward Liberty for all human beings, not just those who share something as ridiculous as similar melanin concentrations.

What we have here are made-to-order SPLC white supremacist militia kooks, that is, the brush they wish to tar gun owners with. Conveniently outed by those aware of their activities at just the right time...


[Via Plug Nickel Times]


  1. What could emphasizing possession of scoped rifles have to do with anything besides fear mongering? People have been accurately shooting a thousand yards with Iron Sights for over a hundred years. With muzzle loaders even.

    They arrested a drug felon white supremacist and now want to paint all firearms owners with the broad brush of scary lunatic drug addicts...While their own officers are seen regularly on youtube shooting themselves and innocent bystanders on accident.

    Tossing stones in glass houses iffen ya asked me. One of these days the glass raining back down on them is gonna cut them up but good and it will be by their own hand.

    Most people are disinclined to believe LEOs, especially of the Federal nature, and think most are crooked self-agrandizing and self-coddling liars. They just piled another example of dimwittedness on their own pyre they've made for their credibility in the press and the minds of thinking people.


  2. Forget that we sober-minded patriots don't traffic in meth.

    ... I need to go clean my car out.

    I keed I keed.

  3. Over at Hot Air, a commenter jokingly asked whether the authorities had found any "We Heart Hillary" stuff in their stuff.

    I thought, "Naaah, just George Soros's private cell phone number." ;-) When Joe Biden is the only one who will say yes, one has to wonder what has happened to one's sizable investment.

  4. I can prove David's point. If two motorcycle gangs got into a falling out with each other. And say two members of the two gangs got murdered by the other gang. You can bet this would be huge national news in the media. The reason is, because it would be white guys to put down white males. Look at all the killings that Black and Mexican gangs do on any giving weekend, which seemingly is not news.

  5. One of the suspects even has a crew cut. Blonde, very Aryan-looking, like Gary Busey's son in "Starship Troopers."
    The other looks like a skateboarding slackerboy.
    Meth is the catchall excuse. When the Waco debris didn't contain any full-autos -- don't know how they missed PLANTING some -- the U.S. Attorney General, no less, said there was a meth lab at Mt. Carmel. Religious separatists expecting the end of the world, dealing drugs? Well then, there's child abuse. That one ALWAYS works, and is very hard to DISprove.
    Expect ANYTHING.
    What timing, too.
    The momentum this will give nOgunsbama ...

  6. These days, a planned assassination is as good an excuse for gun control as a successful one. Kennedy, Kennedy, King, each of their deaths in the '60s was followed by a crackdown on the Second Amendment. Rifle, handgun, rifle.
    2008: Stolen rifle. Background checks don't prevent that. They need something MORE...
    WHOSE IDEA was it to give the speech in an open stadium, anyway?
    His initials are B.O.
    There'll be other opportunities for "credible threats" to further the gun-grab agenda, if this one doesn't do the trick. There's no shortage of idiots or the agents provocateurs they listen to. Or the idiots who would cut out our tongues so we can't shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater. When there is in fact a fire.

  7. I don't use drugs, BUT... the drug war is an absolute abomination that is used to destroy our rights with the happy help of the "conservatives". Who owns your body? Only you. Destroy it if you wish but don't get your disgusting "laws" on me to protect someone from themselves.

  8. Not trying to be snide or anything but I don't see how this article is threatening to gun owners in general. Not like the poor guy caught 'concealing' handguns in his *luggage*!

    As for them being 'scoped' rifles...well if they were I don't see how reporting that is objectionable. Should they hide that fact?

    I'm happy to not see any mention of 'militia' in the news article. They could have tried to continue the malignment of what I consider to be our duty---militia readiness.

  9. I have to think of a reader comment to a gun-related article. The person said we gun owners and rights advocates should go home to our trailer and our sister who we married, and brush our tooth (singular) and stop killing children. They are RABID.
    If Thulsa Obamassiah had been martyred, Snuffy Pfleger would get his wish of dead gun store owners. He still might. Emotions are running high.
    Remember the Reichstag Fire. One mentally deficient Dutch Communist was the patsy. The Nazi laws came down like a hammer. They had set the blaze themselves. A historic building was a small price to pay for absolute power.
    That quote "A black man has no business in office." That ties up the package neatly. It turns off the brain of those who hear it. The adrenal glands take over. There have already been threats, during the PRIMARIES, of rioting if the election is "stolen from" Obama.
    So if you don't support the United Socialist States of America, you're a racist?
    How convenient.

  10. I honestly don't think this amounts to a pinch of owl dung. A few meth heads rolling around town with a couple of guns, you could find that in a lot of towns. When they got caught, they made up the story to look good, or to get some noteriety. I've seen the stadium, and I don't think what they had in mind is possible. I do think a lot of us are on edge about the candidate, and what he might do, and that's what drives the logic of our suspicions. This could also all be staged, to draw out the unstable and hysterical to do or say something that would put them in handcuffs. I know the anti's love rolling anything out that makes gun owners look bad, but I think this is a dead end.

  11. I agree that it shouldn't be a big deal, but as I predicted, SPLC--the folks who make tons of dough equating neoNazis with the militia, is headlining it on their site and milking it for all it's worth.

    The fact that it may prove to be a dead end--this time--does not mean we should not be constantly on guard. Since we're not prescient, I believe the best course is to raise a flag, investigate and observe before sounding the "all clear."

  12. Guys this means more than you may think. This is just one more drop of the dripping of propaganda of the liberal media. The media loves the evil white male. Look at the DC sniper and the media just couldn't get off of, White van, White male and angry Vietnam Vet.
    The liberal media loves to feed the whale sized junk food feed TV watcher propaganda.

  13. "Authorities then went to question Shawn Robert Adolph, 33, a Gatrell associate but his dumb ass jumped out of a sixth floor hotel window luckily only breaking an ankle and getting captured anyway. Sources say he had a handcuff ring and was wearing a swastika, and is thought to have ties to white supremacist organizations.

    Police also have Nathan Johnson, 32 in custoday who reportedly told authorities that the two men had 'planned to kill Barack Obama at his acceptance speech.'

    'He don’t belong in political office. Blacks don’t belong in political office. He ought to be shot,' Johnson told a reporter. . ."

    OK, let's recap. Meth, neoNazi, stupid. Does anybody here think that the FBI voluntarily surrendered their provocateurs and thus their operational control over neoNazis since the 1990s? -- Vanderboegh

  14. They sound almost as radical as the Weather Underground. A McCain commercial says Obama is still good friends with William Ayers, an Underground member who says "we didn't do enough." They bombed the U.S. Capitol and other government buildings and killed some cops.
    The ad says Obama "got his political start in the home of William Ayers."
    Manchurian Candidate, some said. About MCCAIN.
    Well. First Rev. Jeremiah "God damn America" Wright. Now this.
    Be interesting to see who's a terrorist enabler's enabler NOW.

  15. Disturbingly reminiscent of EFAD

  16. Right you are, David, as usual. I want to say, without putting too fine a point on it, is that SLPC, ATF, and all the others opposing, are counting our guns. Whenever they see an opening, they exploit it, of course. But they are doing two or more critical things at the same time. They exacerbate,to get a reaction, then carefully note how strong the reaction is, how widespread, etc. And then they plan their next, based on what they've learned, and at the same time, they execute a part of their overall strategy, masked in part or in whole, by the ongoing brahuha. A bit more complicated than the old shell game, but their Nazi predecessors were good at it, up until they lost the initiative. Pretend to be wholly occupied, while gathering info, and planning and executing your counterstrike/strategic plan, usually from an unexpected quarter, with overwhelming force. I look at everything they do and say with a juandiced eye, because no matter what it is, something else is actually going on. When you have plans within plans within plans, your opponents usually bag themselves. They are able to carry it off because they have virtually unlimited personnel and money. I believe if we gave them absolute silence, on occasion, we could learn a great deal more than we know now, from them directly. I realize we are in no way organized, and that it makes us ineffective, but some how we must, and we must use intelligence, counterintelligence, and counter-counter intelligence. What we don't know is going to kill us and the cause.


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