Saturday, August 02, 2008

Guaranteeing More Marios

"If we see someone calling the police, then we target them," said Mario Garcia, 20, who describes himself as a former tagger trying to become a professional artist. "You are trying to stop me from what I live, what I believe in and what I breathe? We are not going to let no one get in the way."
Let me explain something, young and ignorant savage. When human beings suffer property damage from territory-spraying animals, they either neuter or eradicate them, depending on what's most cost-effective. When the animal proves dangerous, it's generally the latter.

You know nothing about honor--you seem to have it confused with a psychotic demand to have everything your way or you'll attack. That you find yourself a jackal among sheep is merely your good luck. Try that crap around men, stupid little boy, and you'll be lucky if all they do is kick your worthless ass. I'm envisioning a large red smear on a wall left as a warning--I don't know art, but I know what would amuse me.

So naturally, the "official position" is to let the animals run wild on the streets and let the trained, professional "Only Ones" handle everything. Talk about guaranteeing more Marios...


  1. 'honor' and 'respect' means threats of force in this context, eh? This might be pre-screening for the local PD exam.


  2. What about artists that are actually artists? Take Banksy in England for example. Big artistic opponent of the government.

    I think there's a difference between tagging and art.

  3. And on another note:

    It'sa me ... Mario!

  4. I would like to see a few states pass a law if its clear that your property is being tagged and you shot the criminal, its legal.
    Seemingly these punks have no clue what butcher paper and masking tape is.

  5. Marking his territory. The city might consider buying him a fireplug to pee on.

  6. They are indeed marking their territory like dogs.
    Art is INVITED. Art is BOUGHT and SOUGHT. Art isn't IMPOSED on other people.
    Playing classical music over a PA system has proven to keep pests away. I'd suggest that, and very bright night lighting.
    People HAVE been killed objecting to graffiti vandalism.
    Now, people who object to anarchy... what exactly do you think we have now? Anarchy -- "no ruler" -- seems to be the operative social modality for everyone ELSE. Get some.

  7. These tagger cunts make me sick. We had them around here....but after some pictures of their work, monitoring of their myspace accounts (thanks for their names local kids), and some calls to the Po-lice.... There hasn't been any in MONTHS. Our PD is actually a good one... They called me to let me know they caught a bunch of them and were going to court.

  8. "We are not going to let no one get in the way."

    What a sandpoundingly stupid, oblivious Moron.

    With his excellent command of the English language, Mario informs us all that HIS Freedom of expression trump all of ours.

    It sounds like LA just crossed the line into Open Season.

  9. "I just told them it ain't right," Lartundo recalled. "I said, 'If you are going to write on the wall, write on your own wall.'"

    The problem is that a gang member who hears this has about as much understanding of the abstract concept of private property as Rep. McCarthy has of barrel shrouds.

    It is the gang's wall.

    That "tagger" and many more like him were probably raised in government housing--or government-subsidized housing--with government subsidies to cover the cost of living. His concept of ownership is skewed. He likely learned next to nothing in public school, and learned how to survive in a culture of crime, where nearly anything important in life is accomplished through the application of force. He's likely unemployable because he is a social cripple. I'm sure David can attest to this.

    It's too late for kumbayah and midnight basketball, so worthless political executives count kilos of illicit drugs, and BB guns from buybacks, to display this false metric as evidence of progress.

    I'm not sure how city governments plan to do urban renewal on a wide scale when cleaning crews are getting murdered. It's at the point now that no matter which way we're going to drain the swamp, there's going to be a lot of violence. There are those who make their way out and lead a productive life, but they are too few.

    There's your Great Society, socialists. Enjoy.


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