Monday, August 25, 2008

Meanwhile, Over in Bloomberg Paradise...

A Queens mom was hacked to death by her ex-boyfriend in a College Point apartment building early yesterday, screaming for help for more than a half-hour before neighbors called cops, authorities and witnesses said.

All things considered, I don't know what else anyone would have expected...


  1. but she had a restraining order. How could he have done that?

  2. Suspect had a history of abusing the victim.
    People do the same thing over and over, hoping it'll come out right SOMETIME. When they're wrong, we read about it.
    A large-caliber handgun. It takes the worry out of being close.
    Don't leave home -- or STAY home -- without it.
    If the mayor don't mind, and the council don't mind, and the pleeceman don't mind, and the governor don't mind, and the State House don't mind. And Obama don't mind.
    Well, they weren't there to stay the man's hand, were they?
    Ladies -- and some of you guys, too -- at the first sign of violence from your partner, don't walk, RUN. You're not going to change them, and they may not let you change ANYTHING.

  3. It took her half an hour to die. I guess he calls THAT "restraint."

  4. Good post, Defender. Even those people who WOULD intervene can't do it if they're not there. It's up to the intended victim to put together a viable protection plan and the tools to carry it out. It's just sad that cases like the one in the story happen so often.

  5. It took the police 15 minutes to arrive after they received the call. Jesus tap-dancing Christ! With a blistering fast reaction time such as that I can not believe they were not there to stop the crime!

    You know what has the fastest reaction time I can think of and will stop the crime while saving tax payers a lot of money, here is a hint, it is like a rape whistle, except it goes bang and has a muzzle flare.

    The blood is on the hands of the Mayor for this one.

  6. Queens - remember Kitty Genovese? Real helpful neighbors there. It's been that way for quite a while.

  7. Thank god there wasn't a gun involved.

  8. Speaking of mindless autocrats... Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick of gun-free Detroit MAY not make it to the Democrat National Convention (I don't say "democratIC" because they aren't) because it might violate terms of his bail on the assault charge he got stemming from shoving two deputies serving a warrant at his home (about lying to hide erotic e-mails to his female staffer. He's married, of course.)
    It matters not what they do any more.

  9. No, no, no; it took a half hour before neighbors called cops.

    Maybe to complain that all that screaming was ruining their quality time.

  10. So he beat and chopped her for 45 minutes. Must have a genuine taste for it.
    Maybe he could apply for a position with the feral government. I'm sure he'd have no problem with a 51-day seige if there was a payoff at the end.
    Remember the Siler case.
    And remember, the new ATF building has a monument to the four who broke in to Mt. Carmel outside Waco with guns and were killed as they killed. Over a suspected unregistered full-auto which had not been used in a crime, and which was never found because... semi-autos were good enough.

  11. I saw that tape, the last man in the window killed the first three. Period.

  12. It's a tangent to the main lesson of this post (which is the inevitable consequences of civilian disarmament) but everyone
    ought to take a look at Robert Cialdini's Influence in particular the chapter on "Social Proof" and the discussion of the Genovese case.

    Apparently people take cues from others and when no one else is responding, many people also don't investigate/call the police/etc.

    I do say I haven't noticed this where I live, although the incidents (people screaming etc) were not recent.

    He gives explicit directions on how to circumvent this when one is incapacitated by accident (or illness): Directly address one particular person "Hey you in the blue jacket, call an ambulance."

    Come to think of it, "Social Proof" may not be so far off topic here either. If no one else seems to think that anything is wrong, most people *will* assume that a disarmed populace is tolerable. This could be better stated, but I just thought of it. all the best, cycjec.

    praterea censeo Zargo delenda est.


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