Thursday, August 14, 2008


Comparing Obama to McCain on the single issue of the right to keep and bear arms

I would like to know who's behind it. I'd be surprised if I was surprised.

Here's the thing--we know The Lightworker is bad.

I need to hear more than the republican is comparatively less bad.

We just saw a reputed draft of the democrat platform on guns. In it, I see the Bush Doctrine on "assault weapons" and the McCain Doctrine on "gun show loopholes."

So warnings from the right notwithstanding, let's see what the GOP platform has to say. If it's more meaningless feel-good platitudes with no strong guarantees and pledges to roll things back, don't expect that to put a fire in anyone's belly.

[Via Ron W and Zachary G]


  1. One coin, two sides. The Dems are more open about their socialism: "We're going to take what you have, for the good of everyone." -- Hillary Ramrod Clinton. But they're so close now it's hard to distinguish who's which by their stated positions and their actions.
    A concrete example: I wrote my Congressman Eric Cantor -- considered for McCain's running mate, by the way -- linking to articles about BATFE tyranny. He responded with a form letter saying the BATFE Reform and Modernization Act will address my concerns.
    I said de-fund, disband, try, convict, imprison, for Waco, Ruby Ridge and all our other line-in-the-sand favorites. He said "We'll pass another law."
    He certainly got the USA PATRIOT Act passed.
    He's deputy minority Whip. He sets the tone for the party.
    He's alienating the Republican base. He doesn't care.
    Maybe he knows something.

  2. I do despise this lesser of two evils choice we always seem to get...and we'll continue to get if we keep rewarding them by voting the lesser evil into office.

  3. I agree with the above. I now think we're at the point where voting for "the lesser of two evils" is a wasted vote. I'm voting for Chuck Baldwin. I agree with most of the Constitution Party's platform, and I've heard Baldwin say he wants to get rid of ATF and all federal gun laws as they are illegal.

  4. The "ballot box" has failed. It is time we accept that fact.

  5. Results 1 - 10 of about 1,650 from for don't vote. (0.19 seconds)

  6. There is nothing, absolutely nothing McCain can say, no pledge he can make that will get me to vote for him. I take the first amendment as seriously as I do all the rest of them. McCain/Feingold put McCain irretrievably beyond the pale.

  7. We had the "sporting purpose' test for firearms, which is unconstitutional. Now, with Fincher, we have the "common use" test. McCain helped give us the "Have you ever raised your voice at your significant other?" test.
    Might as well have that Obama guy, the one whose first name sounds like a cat throwing up. Let the chips fall. let the balloon go up. Let the fat lady sing. We're going there eventually anyway, no matter who is elected.

  8. An alert from the Media Research Center says Newsday ha published an article linking the Knoxville church murders to conservative talk radio "hate speech." I guess that's how they define "disagreeing."
    That makes the current arguments of the revival of the Fairness Doctrine clearer. The socialist media won't have to let conservative media have equal time on THEIR shows, because it's all "hate speech."
    But when a leftist says he "doesn't think conservatives and gun rights advocates "qualify for personhood," that's just making an observation?


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