Thursday, August 21, 2008

Paris, Oklahoma

The individuals who were "invited" to bring their guns in but didn't now will be included in the ongoing investigation, as well as people who were identified by former owners as having purchased that type of weapon recently, authorities said.
What gets me is the 2/3 who automatically complied. At least we know the approximate percentage of French gun owners who will immediately surrender.

It appears the OSBI has adopted French law enforcement standards. Remember that rape/murder a while back, where they took DNA samples from male villagers?

And we all know Inspector Clouseau's maxim:
I suspect everyone and I suspect no one.
If you would like to tell the OSBI just what you think of this merde, here's how.

[Via JT]


  1. The fact that any gun owners complied is disturbing. Hey, but if you got nothing to hide, right? They're just being pragmatic. Wouldn't want to make gun owners look bad now, would we? The alternative to not complying would be so much more inconvenient.

  2. I assume this town has ROADS. It may even be near an interstate highway, which is the new criminal means of ingress and egress so they can be 100 miles away when the crime is discovered. The killer(s) may be from Texas, Arkansas... MEXICO.
    Lazy, sloppy police work, which creates a police record for anyone involved. That's not MY America.
    Those who submit can only hope and pray that their .40 is not ballistically SIMILAR to the murder weapon. It could be enough.
    Time appears to be VERY short. I would not cooperate. If I were pressed, I might take my .40, and my main battle rifle, and my shotgun.
    Another mere public relations disaster, or a declaration of war? Will they use this wide-net method for EVERY crime? Oh, people will BEG for police GPS trackers in all cars to prove they were elsewhere.

  3. Using methods like these, they're never going to catch the killers.

    What will come next? Will they ask for warrants to search the premises of people who did not comply?

  4. Cranky brings up a very good point. What's next if I didn't comply? Do I get to host the next no-knock warrant party complete with the flash bang party favors?

  5. Unsurprisingly, all that the intrusion on civil liberties in the French case did was divert resources from real detective work. Naturally, the killer had a long history of sexual predation, and he was a foreigner. French police ignored an attempt at a youth hostel 30 miles away, and had it not been for the absolute determination of the parents to keep publicity focused, their daughter's death would have been just another unsolved cold case--which ended up resolving itself no thanks to any work done by the French police.

  6. Ok. I don't understand. There are only a few jurisdictions in this country where guns are registered. Oklahoma isn't one of them. So did the authorities go to gun shops around the state and look at their lists or what?

  7. I wonder how the OSBI would react to a tip giving them the address to my local Cabelas, Bass Pro Shop, etc.? I'm certain I saw some .40 S&W caliber handguns on the wall.

  8. "Go to the local sporting goods shop and obtain Forms 4473, which will list the names and addresses of gun owners."
    -- Col. Bela, Cuban commander in the Russian Army, "Red Dawn"

    Or possibly their state police or whoever handles the Brady Instant Check is providing the information, as the Virginia State Police has done. Illegally.
    And welcome to Checkpoint Strikeforce 2008. Gov. Tim "Million Moms" Kaine is instituting DUI checkpoints on rural roads. More than 1/3 of fatal accidents were alcohol-related, so now we're ALL going to be scrutinized and sniffed.
    See, despite this being the seventh year of the program, alcohol-related fatalities are UP from 2005 to 2006, the latest stats available. So more of the same...
    Possibly it's not about drunk driving at all. A burned-out license plate light is all they need for a ticket and a vehicle search.

  9. Since when do criminals use legal guns and since when do they volunteer to being in a gun, this is no more than a waste of time and money. I sent them and email and explained my feelings on this, hopefully I am not put on some list somewhere.

    Are they checking everyone who can walk, run, drive, ride a bike, roller I am sure the killer needed some way to escape and under their rationale this would seem rational as well.

    May God help these families that the killer actually be found.

  10. "There are only a few jurisdictions in this country where guns are registered. Oklahoma isn't one of them."

    Washington State isn't either but if you buy a pistol from an FFL holder then the chief LEO in the county is informed of the purchase -- and has to "approve" it if you don't have a CPL. Not exactly registration but they certainly have a list of "first" purchasers of all handguns.

    As an aside: the "approval" requires exactly the same background check that is done for a CPL except you don't have to give them money or fingerprints. As far as I can tell, it is the same check done by NICS.

  11. I received an email back from them. My email was quite lengthy, but all I received back was simply this:

    Thank you for your concern. I never said those who did not bring in their guns were considered suspects. We have thought this out very carefully and believe this tactic may help solve this case.

    My fault, they have thought this out carefully and believe this tactic may solve the case....I highly doubt that.


  12. And if they think that tactic out a LITTLE more carefully, they will precipitate some really interesting scenarios. What if the Feds do this? What if they try a multi-state wide sweep? What if they produce a list from...somewhere..cough,cough, and use it to determine the magnitude of a search for ARs,AK-47s,SKSs, and related guns. Can't wait for these aholes to step on their own wang.

  13. Someone with a spare barrel and no conscience could get away with murder. Remember, PARTS dealer are also being looked at sideways along with FFL-holders. Or if you have two .40s, one with a paper trail and one without, use the sterile one and present the other one for testing.
    Ah, this is too stupid to be believed.
    And I just BET we misinterpreted their "thinking"... When they get publicity, they always deny that it's what it sounds like.

  14. Any jurisdictions in OK issue .40s as duty sidearms?
    Hows about suggesting that all LEO weapons of that caliber get checked.
    Just to be on the safe side of course. No guilt implied. I'm sure all the good officers would be happy to cooperate.

  15. Another nail in the Constitution's coffin.

    I have a .40 that I'm willing to give them, if and only if they:

    1. Knock politely on the front door;

    2. Serve me with a warrant for THAT GUN, by serial number, and THAT GUN ONLY, hand-signed by a judge whose signature I recognize, displaying the correct name and address.

    Otherwise, they'll have to accept the gun after I "unload" it.

    Whoever is unwise enough to enter my house without the aformentioned criteria being met... well, shit happens. I'm too old to kick ass, and my health can't take an ass-whipping, so I guess I'll have to default to my sport-utility rifles and installed defenses, and hope for the best.

  16. You'll also need to change the firing pin, and extractor to "cover" your a**.

  17. here's mine, will post any response:

    Have you lost your damned minds? You have usurped authority not granted you by the law, the constitution or the people. So, we know you have misplaced your duty to your oath.

    But to do so, so stupidly boggles the mind. Did you really believe the killer or killers would bring you the murder weapon for inspection? If you did, you many,many notches short of sanity.

    Did you really not believe the killer or killers wouldn't take a cue from your stupidity to destroy evidence? See comment about your sanity above.

    However, despite all your intellectual shortcomings, your most egregious sin against the nation and a free people is the blanket oppression you are willing to apply to the community at large. Obviously, your oaths meant nothing to you. Talk about crazy evil, you guys could be the poster boys. That's right, BOYS. Men don't act like that when they have sworn to uphold the law and the constitution.

    You are not being singled out for my scorn, unfortunately for you, you are the only ones for whom I have an email address. I hold just as much scorn for the sheep who have cooperated with you to destroy the tenets of a free society.

    You make me ashamed of having grown up in Oklahoma. First time anybody ever managed to do that.

    The parents of these two young girls must be heartbroken that you have aided and abetted the killer or killers and have wasted your time abusing society at large.

    Charles H. Sawders


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