Wednesday, August 06, 2008

So Much for the Disadvantage of Being Honest

The NRA should come out of their bunker and explain themselves.
Huh? I thought Bryan Miller said the truth was on his side.

Why are you associating Mike Vanderboegh's opinions with NRA? The folks who champion their legislative approach have been Mike's most vehement critics in the gun blogosphere.

So what's with lying to the world that this somehow has NRA sanction?

[Via 45superman]


  1. Because they've got nothing else better.

    There's also some contention as to who coined the phrase 'jack booted thugs', while Wayne is the most commonly used attributor, it was actually Jack Dingle who said it first.

  2. If they can get Wayne LaPierre to denounce "such inflammatory rhetoric," they calculate they can isolate the merry three percenters. We can expect such splitting tactics to accelerate in the coming months.


  3. American gun owners: between 80 and 90 million.
    NRA members: between 3.5 and 4 million.

    To assume the NRA speaks for all of us is to assume that we'd LOVE to sit down with Sarah and Josh and Fathead Ted and Suckie Chewmer and Daley and Bloomberg and Obama and Clinton and talk about what freedoms WE can give up next to keep them from thanking badly of us.
    That's OK. The NRA doesn't understand us either.
    Why are we not "saddling up"? I don't know David Olofson's town like I know my own, and I don't know my town like I know my neighborhood. My leader decided to lead from behind -- in training. He's going to head upcountry when the real unpleasantness starts, not fight it.
    We're certainly not going to discuss details of our preparations and plans here, but many are "saddled up" and watching intently. As I told my Congressslackers, it will become obvious when The People have had enough.

  4. Thanking=thinking. Something I don't associate with THEM.

  5. Aarrggghhh.

    Dave, you should warn us when you link the Brady bunch.

    Now I have to go wash my eyes and hands... I feel so dirty after reading their manufactured filth.

  6. Possible defamatory statements against Mike V in that article. How great would it be to sue them and go buy some ammo with their money.

  7. Every time Sarah Brady cries, an angel gets it's wings.

    Texas Shooter: My brother in law is an elected LEO in Texas and has broken bread with Sarah herself. Consider yourself lucky to only have seen a web page instead of had her try to infiltrate your family.

  8. Wow, Tom. What did they try to do, if you can elaborate?

  9. Dingell actually said "Jack-booted American fascists."

  10. David, for future reference regarding John Dingell:

    From the Congressional Record;
    Between 12:10p and 12:20p on February 8th, 1995.

    PAGE H1382

    Mr. DINGELL: "The consequences of the behavior of the BATF in these kinds of cases is that they are not trusted. They are detested, and I have described them properly as jackbooted American fascists. They have shown no concern over the rights of ordinary citizens or their property. They intrude without the slightest regard or concern.


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