Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Welcome to Connecticut!

Several of you have sent me the link to this outrage:
Using a unique state law, police in Connecticut have disarmed dozens of gun owners based on suspicions that they might harm themselves or others.

The state's gun seizure law is considered the first and only law in the country that allows the confiscation of a gun before the owner commits an act of violence. Police and state prosecutors can obtain seizure warrants based on concerns about someone's intentions.
Concerned American shares his thoughts.


  1. Actually, CA has been doing the same for a while under the guidance of anti-gun 'researcher' Wintemute.

  2. WIthout a doubt (on my part at least) these "laws" will become models for man others in the near future. It IS a war and it's only going to get a lot worse. Statists and tyrants can always find thugs to do their bidding under the cloak of law.

  3. Judging from the posts thus far: Can you spell U.S.S.R.?

  4. Shoot first, answer questions later.

  5. The long Train of Abuses and Usurpations just got another car attached.

  6. The truth of the matter is that this was in practice long before it was made law. It is certainly practiced in New York, and probably in many other places.

    I know two people who were disarmed under similar circumstances, one before 1999, and the other one after. Both had their guns returned. The only difference is that previously the police had to make some sort of arrest. Both were drunks making threats, so an arrest wasn't hard to justify. However, neither were incompetent when sober, so it was simply a waste of everyone's time.

    And I don't care how 'Connecticut Against Gun Violence' interprets the law for the rest of us, we know the standards for warrants and seizure of private property.

    This reminds me why I really need to first organize the toys in my own playpen, if I have any hope at all of making effective arguments in local papers.

  7. Happened in Lorain, Ohio a couple of years ago.

  8. A. Like that person couldn't get more guns the way REAL criminals do;
    B. See David's comment to the above article about how we ALL have a beast inside us. There you go. In the eyes of the authorities, we're all just killers who haven't happened yet. They've said so, word for word.
    If they want that assumption to become reality, they can try.

  9. Same thing happens in domestic disputes. Example: wife's boyfriend makes threats... husband gets restraining order to keep wife and b/f away.... wife then also gets restraining order in retaliation (only with no truth behind the claims)... cops take husband's guns leaving him defensless against person who has stated intention to do harm.

  10. Fast track to Orwell. Do crimethink, thought police punish.

  11. They should at LEAST need PROBABLE CAUSE, and not simply "suspicion", or even "reasonable suspicion."

    Things such as this make for good arguments to not keep all your guns (and ammo) in one place.

  12. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181689/

    Remember: They hate us because we're free.

  13. Virginia Citizens Defense League describes this case:
    A delivery driver who habitually goes armed had a delivery for a nuclear power plant. He unloaded his sidearm and left it in plain view on the seat of his truck, which he left parked well back from the gate. A state trooper working security saw his empty holster when he walked up to the gate, and got tense. He asked to search the truck. The delivery guy had nothing to hide (oh, those fatal words) so he said OK. The trooper found boltcutters and charged the man with possession of BURGLARY TOOLS and intent to sabotage the power plant. He went to jail for three days before lawyers sorted things out.
    Absurdity is the new reality.


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