Thursday, August 14, 2008

We're the Only Ones Bridging the Gap Between "Us" and "Them" Enough

A New Orleans judge on Wednesday dismissed charges against seven policeman accused of killing two people on a bridge amid the chaos that followed Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Turns out not only did the dumb ass proscutor screw up, but:

Homicide detectives limited their extended probe into the incident to mostly police witnesses. The investigate report, which cleared the officers, based its conclusions, in part, on the statements of a man who was pretending to be a St. Landry Parish sheriff deputy, but who in fact turns out to be an impostor with a criminal record.

Physical evidence wasn't picked up by police right after the shooting. Instead, officers went back to the scene seven weeks later. At the same time, the police department allowed some evidence to be discarded, such as the rental truck used by officers after the storm, which they drove the bridge when they received a call about officers in possible distress.
Nothing to see here--just standard Big Easy "Only Ones" procedure.

[Via Cigar Rollers]


  1. Where is that fool Ahab/Caleb when you need him? I'm sure he can make sense of this ruling for us. "Blah, blah, blah, it was an emergency, they didn't have time to think, only react", and the classic, "they were in fear of their very lives." Stick it, Ahab/Caleb.

    Thank - you for removing the link to his hideous site too David.

  2. Were you in New Orleans in the aftermath of Katrina, Bill? I was and I can assure you it was much more of a war zone than you think. Yes, bullets were flying overhead at all hours thanks to gang banging thugs intent on causing mayhem and stealing a few plasma TVs. The only reason this case even got prosecuted is because the race baiting District Attorney needed help in his re-election. Yes, the same District Attorney who later harbored an armed robber in his house. I am normally very critical of police abusing their powers, but in this case, you don't know what your talking about.

  3. Bill, I don't recall ever linking to him in the first place.

  4. My bad David, I thought you had a link to Captain Ahab before, I must be mistaken.


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