Sunday, August 31, 2008

We're the Only Ones Doggone Enough

A Scottsdale police dog was shot and killed by his handler on Friday. Police say they think the death was accidental...

Striker was on a leash, and while conducting the search, Coffee shot Striker, police said. Details were not available.

No intruder was found.
I wonder if all applicable considerations that would apply to non-"Only Ones" will be...uh...unleashed here.

[Via Matt L]


  1. ...looks like the "shoot the dog" reflex might have a downside...

  2. David,
    not only was the dog killed but if you read the AZ REPUBLIC continues to publish the wrong info. The owners were not present, the alarm company called the police, they (the police) did not "discover" squat. But the police are giving them a story, So they publish the "authorized" version of events.

    I am privy to all of the details here for reason I would rather not discuss.

  3. I seem to remember cases where citizens struck or shot at police dogs were charged with felony assault on a police officer. I suppose this cop will be going to jail for killing a police officer?

  4. Talk about police dogs, in San Diego the cops put road spikes down on the bay bridge to stop a fleeing driver. The guy gets out of his car and the cops turn loose a police dog on the guy, to teach him a thing or two. So the guy grabs the dog and jumps off the bridge with the dog in his arms. The guy lived but the dog got killed. This happened last New Years day.
    The government lawyers are going after the guy on some felony charges over the dog. Talk about a sick in the head government. You will go to prison for killing a dog but this country has allowed 50 million babies to be slaughtered in the last 35 years. I'm telling everyone, there's going to be hell to pay for killing so many of God's children. The people of this country are going to pay a price for allowing the scum and trash running government to get away with this. Maybe God will allow government to start putting people on trains and taking them to death camps. Frankly, I don't know what is in store but something is going to happen.


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