Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Whom Society Rewards

Barr wrapped up her post with a final message to Jolie: "Now go back to making your movies about women who love to handle big guns that shoot hundreds of people to death." [More]
I've had my differences with Angelina Jolie's public statements before, but Roseanne Barr is quite simply a frothing leftist loon. Don't believe me? Spend one minute on her blog (Cynthia McKinney???). Sorry--I don't know a way to take your brain out and scrub it off after you do.

And while I don't generally appreciate Howard Stern's style of entertainment, I do think his observation on Roseanne-ex Tom Arnold is funny and right on.

It seems Roseanne accused Tom of all kinds of physical abuse during their tragic, doomed epic love...

Was it true?

Who knows what reality actually creeps into that squirming mind?

But it might explain that emcee gig...

And yeah, Tom--that was your only talent. Do you have a clue the contempt that arises when a nothing slug like you tells men like me you want the government to control our guns?

The deeper question: Why do we even know these people's names?


  1. Uh-oh. Guns in movies are a problem again? Roseanne is afraid little girls will emulate Angelina in "Mr. and Mrs. Smith," "Tomb Raider," and othe pretty mindless action movies?
    I'd be more worried about them imitating Roseanne, prostituting between comedy club gigs to buy food. Yes, she admitted it. Sounded almost proud. Everyone loves people who start in the gutter and then make it big. Usually it's not LITERAL, though.
    Some people get JOBS and hone their comedy craft on weekends. But who am I to judge? She was ahead of her time. "Sex workers" now get to have art exhibits at Ivy League colleges.
    Roseanne also played a "She-Devil." Nice.
    Oh, her co-star on the Roseanne show, who played her sister Jackie (I really can't remember her name, thankfully) is a rabid anti-gunner. She played Carolyn McCarthy in a TV movie.

  2. Syphilis causes dementia.

  3. Oh, her co-star on the Roseanne show, who played her sister Jackie (I really can't remember her name, thankfully) is a rabid anti-gunner. She played Carolyn McCarthy in a TV movie.

    Laurie Metcalf is a forcible citizen disarmament advocate?

    I'm disappointed to hear that--she grew up in my little hometown, and graduated from the same high school I did (she might have been a senior there my older brother's freshman year).

    A meaningless connection, of course, but she's one of Edwardsville's very few claims to fame.

  4. Roseanne once said on her show, "This is why some animals eat their young." Too bad HER parents didn't eat HER!

  5. Fat,shrill,and stupid. Is there some reason that we acknowledge the existence of yet another whore-baggage, know-nothing,slob? Must be a slow news day. And David, it was nothing really to visit her site. I'm a vet. Once you see a man literally turned inside out by a claymore he was trying to turn around, as it went off, well, pig shit like her don't make much of an impression.

  6. I don't share all of Ms. McKinney's views, but she has the integrity to call out the regime about 9/11. Do you?

  7. Sure--I have a good friend I correspond with on everything from the official report to Building 7, Steven Jones, Dr Judy Wood and the Hutchison Effect...We go 'round and 'round, arguing, challenging, cajoling, and remaining friends in spite of differences...

    But we don't do it here, Chris. Here we stay on topic. This is not a "911 Truth" site and I will not allow it to be hijacked into one.

  8. Showbiz ain't so bad. I've lived years of poverty pursuing my craft, lol.

    Friend of mine in the Biz said my Freedom views could be enhanced or encumbered depending on the crowd I hung with in LA. Keep you fingers crossed!


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