Saturday, August 30, 2008

The XXX Files

David Duchovny has entered a rehabilitation center for sex addiction...
Aside from the fact that clinically, there's no such thing, here's something else you should know about him: He was one of the Hollywood Illuminati who signed "An Open Letter to the National Rifle Association," a full-page ad taken out by Handgun Control in USA Today on June 9, 1999 (p.5D). As I wrote in my GUNS & AMMO piece, "Six Degrees of Hypocrisy":
[The letter] demanded limiting handgun purchases to one a month, banning "assault weapons," magazine capacity limits, gun locks and "a 'cooling off' period...[that] might just save the life of a child..."
Mr. Duchovny evidently feels he cannot control himself without outside intervention. I want to believe it would be best for all concerned if he turned his focus inward, and stopped worrying about controlling the rest of us.


  1. Why do actors so consistently disappoint? Now I'm almost ashamed to be such a big fan of the X-Files.

  2. Why be disappointed? They're paid to give you something to eyeball. I don't understand why we would want to attach any other moral or political importance to someone who recites words written by someone else, while standing in frame of images conceived by someone else.

  3. This is typical of the anti-Bill of Rights folks.

    They have such a problem with projection that they can't control themselves.

    As "celebrities", they are so narcissistic that they believe the world turns around them. They also can't relate to anyone else.

    What drives them is their own narcissism, and, of course, guilt from having more money than the regular guy.

    Since they know that they can't control themselves, they believe that of the rest of us.

    The pattern keeps repeating itself.

  4. It's not a matter of these idiots not being able to control themselves.

    They don't control their sociopathic behaviors because they don't believe they need to. If they get caught doing something illegal or immoral they use so-called "addictions" or "disabilities" as excuses just as do the "common criminals" the elitist a**holes profess to abhor and condemn.

    Wait a minute! I must have gotten off track. Am I talking about entertainment icons or about certain criminal justice personnel?

  5. Narcissism -- a pathological love of and obsession with oneself -- is the common factor among petty criminals and world-class tyrants. It can excuse anything.
    Helping OTHERS gives a very good feeling. Narcissists should try it -- and not just by talking down to people in letters about hoiw THEY should live. Barbara Streisand says "Watch your thermostat, save the Earth." From her 700,000 square foot mansion and private jet.
    We don't have the Golden Calf, but there are lots of false idols.


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