Saturday, August 30, 2008

"You're No Hillary"

Thank goodness for that. One is quite enough.

Am I sensing desperation? The junior marxist traitors are getting all petty and whiny and bitchy and indignant and everything, although with Van Jones, that's pretty much his whole shtick anyway.

I'll say this for Palin--in just a few short hours alienated conservatives are starting to feel like they might have a horse in this race. I'm starting to see a lot of excitement and interest, as opposed to the cynical resignation I was seeing before. That might even translate into involvement and votes.

At the very least, the self-righteous hostility is entertaining to watch.


  1. Palin was chosen to make McCain more palatable, even though she has no power. The neocon agenda will continue full steam ahead.

  2. No doubt about it, Zach. She will be a figurepiece in his admin. with no real say.
    Of course, the controlled agenda will unfold regardless of R or D.

    Still, as an observer, it makes the game show more interesting, especially the mouth-foaming hysteria the left is trying to gin up. Especially if you factor in the possibility of a "Commander in Chief" scenario.

  3. The sad part is that Palin brings more to the ticket than does McCain.

    But has anybody else noticed the shift in theory by the news media?

    When Biden was named as VP candidate, all the media reported what an important part of the ticket it was. How Biden was bringing a fighter's attitude, foreign policy experience,and a Washington history that would be useful in getting things done. It was reported as a significant strengthening of the Democratic ticket.

    Now Palin has been named as VP candidate for the Republicans. She brings a proven record of cleaning up corruption, appears to be of great character, honesty, and is a woman who has achieved on her own without "connections", either by marriage or birth and has more executive experience than any candidate on either ticket.

    All of a sudden the media is downplaying the VP slot as unimportant ".....the race is between the McCain and Obama and the vice presidential nominees will not be important in the race."

    Funny how quickly the Biden euphoria died in the media, when the R's fielded a much better candidate.

    No media bias here.

  4. Charles,
    I couldn't agree more. It does make things more interesting....


    Neither D or R will get my vote though....

  5. Biden is a sad-sack loser. It couldn't get any better for our side.
    Palin is just what we want, a good-looking woman with brains and conservitism.
    To me the good-looking part is irrelevant, but it will drive the femi-nazis crazy.
    McCain is trumping Obama at every turn. I think it showes who is better qualified to get our vote.

  6. See what some of the Democrats are saying about Palin and obama on this forum

  7. I think McCain's been running a pretty canny campaign so far- and Palin is a master-stroke. The cries of "too little experience" about a mayor and governor only serve to highlight Obama's own thin resume. Also, her crusading anti-corruption history, even against her own party, also show up Obama's "post-partisan, new politics" rhetoric to be all talk and no action.

    Did he challenge corruption in Chicago or the Senate?

    It seems like Palin went to work from day 1, ending the bridge to nowhere and cleaning up government.

    What did Obama do in those 143 days in the Senate before he decided he was qualified to be President?

    In one fell swoop, McCain showed up Obama as not being the candidate of change- if he was why did he pick the ultimate Washington insider, Biden?

    Plus, the excitement among conservatives only shows how much she isn't an affirmative action pick- can you think of another GOP woman who would cause such a fuss?

    It also can't harm gun rights enthusiasts that she's a real hunter (not just the photo op kind) and that she comes from Alaska- surely the state with gun laws the rest of the country should be emulating.

    As Tam points out - conservatives pleased, GOP insiders puzzled, two separate groups over the last 10 years!

    Republicans in Congress have shown themselves to be a pretty spineless bunch, throwing away opportunity after opportunity to do what their conservative base wants them to do.

    Palin's the woman who said, "if we want a bridge, we'll build it ourselves". That's surely the kind of person that conservatives want on the ticket?

    I know the "voting for the lesser of two evils" is a subject of much debate but here's something to bear in mind- if Obama gets into office for two years he'll have a Democrat majority.

    There's an awful lot of harm he can do gun rights and America in general in that time.

    Does anyone here think he won't give into every far left whim once he gets all that power?

  8. "There's an awful lot of harm he[Obama] can do gun rights and America in general in that time.

    Does anyone here think he won't give into every far left whim once he gets all that power?"


    I hope so. Let it happen. "Get the shoot'n started." So to speek.

    Having a super-lib[Obama] passing gun-laws left and right and enacting brute-squad tactics and "taskforces" on a national scale would be FAR better for us than a "compasionate conservative" who -in bed with the PC NRA- gets us to lay our arms and down and go along with frog-in-the-pot, incremental "gun-safety".

    I can see the future now: Everyone's a gun owner, we can a federal concealed-carry permit system the overules all state laws, NRA tripples its memebership and is in charge of gun-registratioin that every "law-abiding gun owner" can be proud to all be behind. ATF will be disolved to prevent involing the ire of gun-owners. We can all take our Soma and live happily ever-after.

    THAT is the future I see. We will all be victorious slaves.


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