Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dr. Phil Follow-Up

“Oh, I hate the idea,” Carol says. She has a 7-year-old who’s been asking questions. “He asked me, ‘If I do something wrong, are they going to pull guns out on me?’ What do you tell a child like that?”
You tell him "No, of course not." And then you take him to the range, teach him about guns and how to shoot them, explain how you and daddy will protect him and that other good grownups can too.

Good Lord, Carol, assuming you let him, he's supposed to be a man one day. It's your job to teach him how. What kind of hysterical mommy's boy weakling do you want your son to be?

Dr. Phil actually did better than I was prepared to give him credit for:
You know, I have to say, and I’m not sure where I come down on this, but I can say, if something happened, if I was in a classroom or somewhere else, and somebody came in shooting, boy, I’d sure wish I had a gun.
Well then you are sure. Why not say so?

As for Linda Bridges of the teacher's union, no surprises there.
You know, we hire nurses to do medical procedures at schools. We hire teachers to teach. We should hire security guards or police to do law enforcement functions.
Self defense becomes "law enforcement," an exclusive province of the state.

Sometimes, you can judge a book by its cover.


  1. Or a Hutt, by it's shape. Doesn't own guns,doesn't shoot,hunt. Sure don't mind if YOU get shot, though, and keep those icky,nasty,awful guns out of school. Or give them to a school guard, who when he hears kids being murdered and raped, will hide outside somewhere, until backup arrives. I got one reference. Beslan.

  2. Maybe she can come up with the funds to pay an armed guard to be in every classroom.

    My school has two armed "resource officers"--cops in plain clothes.

    Two. In a school with a thousand students.

  3. Less Jabba the Hutt, more ... just stupid and fat.

  4. I teach my son as well as protect him. If every parent did the same most of this worlds problems would fade away.

  5. Problem here is that the momma, Linda Bridges, and maybe the good doctor haven't yet figured out what the primary function of a parent, as well as a school system, is.

    That function is to prepare children to become adults and survive in an adult world without the parent or the school system.

    If we as parents and the education system haven't done that we haven't fulfilled our obligations to our children.


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