Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Food Fight

Rescue Planned for Woman Trapped in Home by Giant Pig
I guess we can't feel too superior--some of our own stalwart Heirs of Liberty are ruled by turkeys.

Which makes the Zargonians and Ents very happy.


  1. My first thought was automatically "why doesn't she just shoot it?" but then I remembered.

  2. Thought the same thing, Kent, until I realize it was in Australia.

  3. Yeah, well, this pig has benefitted from the rules other pigs put in place to protect themselves. I think this is probably an example of "Intended Consequences". This may have been a trial run to determine the level of risk to government pigs when they do the same thing.

  4. What's Rosie O'Donnell doing in Australia?

  5. Crotalus:

    I thought the same thing and I AM in Australia.

    Despite common belief - both here and elsewhere - guns are NOT banned in Australia. It is true that there are LOTS of restrictions, including some action-types and many calibers being heavily restricted, but there is no outright ban. It's kind of like "DC-light".

    The restrictions have been MUCH more subtle in effect (and possibly intent) - they have effectively removed from common perception and discourse the possibility that a firearm might be the most appropriate solution to a problem.

    In this case, that pig deserved a bullet, but that solution is simply never going to occur to most people as a sensible and reasonable thing to do. Firearms and firearm owners have been so slandered and marginalised.

    In days of old, the farming families around the area would all have had one or more firearms of suitable calibre to do the deed - now they probably don't, but more significantly they risk public and official approbation if they resolve the issue themselves with a firearm without official sanction.

    Apparently, you have to think of the pig's feelings too!!


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