Friday, September 12, 2008

A Global Survey

The United States leads the world in economic loss from deaths caused by armed crime, according to a global survey released Friday.
I guess if you believe armed crime is the cause, and not a symptom of failed socialist policies like these one-worlders want to impose everywhere, you could make a case.

Note, as always, the collectivist gungrabbers employ the old one-way street tactic of not factoring in the other side of the productivity balance sheet with lives saved by armed citizens. Also note that the lowest rate of economic loss due to state-sponsored genocide is currently enjoyed by America's tens of millions of peaceable gun owners.

I can't help but wonder if there's a correlation...?

These lying sons of bitches are shameless and relentless in trying to con the childish and weak-minded out of their Liberty. And when you have "Authorized Journalist" co-conspirators like the Associated Press...well, let's just say we shouldn't be surprised when they try to undermine alternative media that tells you things they won't.

[Via Avg Joe]

Thirdpower has more.


  1. I'm finding the worst liberal bullshit is being pumped into the internet through Yahoo. The very worst AP liberals stories always seem to be headline news on Yahoo's front page.
    The numbers here are bogus lies when one views 400,000 plus murders by firearms up against less than 12,000 firearm murders in the US. We are talking a very little percent and as many of us already know. The vast amount of folks murdered are criminals who do not put that much production into the economy. Unless the liberals behind this are looking at the loss to parasites that live off the criminal justice system who depend on these criminals to stay alive to return to prison. If that's the case its a blessing to the folks who pay taxes.

  2. Yes but they way they rigged this study, those 12,000 firearms deaths account for a huge part of the total GDP pie they are trying to cut up.

    The US has one of the highest GDP per capital production numbers in the world... OF COURSE ONE DEATH APPEARS TO HAVE A GREATER AFFECT!

    This isn't economics! It's high school statistics. So while their statement MAY be true on it's face in terms of GDP loss, what about violent crimes rates all over the world.

    The problem is that the way this is set up, of course things look bad. Might I also note that the projected US GDP through Dec of 08 is 14.5+ TRILLION dollars.

    The study needs to have a per capita effect of each "crime death" on the national GDP to see exactly how much effect the economic loss creates on the whole country's GDP!

  3. U.S. District Court Judge James Spencer ruled against The Real Truth About Obama Inc., a Virginia organization who sought an exemption from MCCAIN-FEINGOLD political speech restrictions so they could put on their website Obama's detailed position on abortion. It "APPROACHES advocating against a candidate" and accepting money for his opposition, which is forbidden, say Feral Election Commission law-whores.
    Speaking of undermining alternative media.
    Wouldn't it be ironic if McCain's pet law puts Obama in office?
    Tick tock.

  4. They padded the numbers. Their claims of people murdered by firearms is twice that of the numbers presented by the very organization that helped write the paper.

    They also assume that all the murdered are "contributing members of society".

  5. Well to put it bluntly they are contributing members of society, whether through the black market or legitimate market operations. Median GDP production per US Citizen is off the charts compared to some of those other countries listed.

    Even if we assume that most of those crime victims are in the bottom 40% of all wage earners they are still WAY WAY higher in GDP production than most of the countries on that list, this if course assumed that the other first world countries have evenly distributed victims across all sections of the wealth/poverty line.

    Essentially the study is bullshit. These people need a lesson in Bastiat's What is Seen and what is Unseen.

  6. Bull shit--What productivity? Most of these future brain surgeons, music composers and straight A good guys are really gang bangers that should be out of the gene pool.


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