Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Kosmissar Vanishes

We've seen this phenomenon before. It's what wreched commies do when their own history embarrasses them.

The Daily Kos has deleted the pages where they accused Sarah Palin of being her son's grandmother.


Fortunately, there is still Google cache. I suggest interested parties grab the information while they can.


  1. Am I a bad person if I just can't rustle up the indignation to care one way or the other?

  2. I can't say that I necessarily care. I have been active in correcting mistakes about her (such as news articles saying that she was mayor just 2 years ago and blogs repeating it). I find Kos's hysteria amusing and hope it comes back to bite them. But I'm certainly not surprised or outraged by their cowardice.

  3. Note: If you go to the Cache, then follow the Google link to the original page, you get "Sorry. I can't seem to find that story. j 1 k 1 l "

    BUT, notice that the seemingly non-existent story has "1960 comments" attributed to it :-/
    Here's a link to the Google cache with comments, 1500 or so of them anyway...

  4. it's alright, kent, the lord forgives us our sins. :)

  5. perhaps kos profiles are not viewable to non-users, but it appears that the user has no entries in their diary. the account has rating activity dating back only a few days:



  6. Ahh... should make a good defamation lawsuit.

  7. The only way I would be interested is if statutory rape happened. It didn't because the age of consent in Alaska is 16. That there is so much noise about it indicates to me that there is little substance. It's the Movie Trailer Principle.

    This is substance to me.

    I don't particularly care for the fact that Palin's daughter was so careless, but hey, she's not my daughter. I don't think either the daughter or the boyfriend are going to be able to skirt their responsibilities.

    I think Palin's political opponents are upset because she didn't just abort her way to the top. What kind of forward thinking, modern woman doesn't have a few live babies crushed and sucked out in the name of progressivism?


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