Monday, September 15, 2008

The Politics of Hate

I hate...

I hate...

I hate...
And that's just the first three paragraphs.

Well golly, Mary Mitchell--doesn't that make your column "hate speech"?

Not that it should surprise anyone...


  1. No! She's reasonable and enlightened! Its all of us Neolithic white men, clinging to our logic, our productivity, and our weaponry that make it hard for the rest of mankind to bring in the new age.

    Onward to Social...uhmm...

    Onward to Progre....uhmmmmm...

    Onward to onward!

    Now gimme mines!


  2. I will give Mary this, she did get a couple of things right in her article:

    "Palin is a fresh face on a weary campaign trail,...

    But Palin isn't running against Barack Obama. McCain is, and the media seem to have forgotten that."

  3. There are things I hate: attacks on the innocent, and meddling in the private lives of others are a couple that come to mind. But "hatred" is often a mask for fear.

    I don't think Mitchell is anything but scared. She is scared that her socialistic agenda will be exposed to the light of day and be further relegated to the compost heap of history.

    If Palin scares her, she should meet a real libertarian woman. She'd keel over in abject terror.

  4. These radical feminists are all raving loonies and scared of their own shadow.

    I'd love to walk into a big room full of them and watch them faint when they saw the big .45 strapped to my hip. (Big evil grin)

  5. Black voters are being insulted by folks who leave The Party to vote for M/P? What self-absorbed rubbish. Where do these people come from and do they ever think a thought that doesn't center on their own arrogant, narrow little world?

  6. Something to consider ... Mary Mitchell comes from the same political/social cesspool that gave us the Chosen One.

    I'll bet they took her picture as she typed up her editorial ... what a sourpuss.

    My favorite comment was posted by straighttalk4usa at 7:22 AM CDT on 9/15/2008.

  7. That comment seems to be missing. HMMMMMM>

  8. I'm sorry. It was a reference to the comments section in the original article in the Sun-Times, not WOG.

  9. Judging by circulation numbers, more people hate reading diatribes by mainstream-media columnists who regurgitate what they've read or seen in the mainstream media.

    I get it, Mary. You hate Sarah Palin because she's not your type of woman. You should be given a 15-day waiting, or cooling-off, period before you're allowed to possess a keyboard.


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