Thursday, September 11, 2008

"The Reason this Happened is Because of You"

After a battle stretching back to 2004, the Port of Portland has finally rescinded its illegal ordinance against CHL holders at the Portland Airport.
Good job OFF. And your kindly and appropriately recognizing the contributions of volunteers in this success notwithstanding, I'd bet only a small percentage of area gun owners actually pitched in and helped.

All of us need to honestly assess what we've done recently, and on a sustained basis, to support RKBA. Reading about it is not enough.

Have we joined anything? Led anything? Contributed any money time or effort to a group that is doing something? Attended an event? Written anything? Done anything that will make a difference?

If not, why not?

It's a damn sight easier than grabbing a musket and running to a muster. Not that anyone who won't do the easy things will ever do the difficult.

[Via Jeffersonian]


  1. Of course, notice that you can still be arrested for carrying. That you have an affirmative defense available at trial is nice, but still doesn't keep you from arrest and prosecution. If they can't prosecute, they can still persecute.

  2. As an Oregon resident, I've been a member of OFF for longer than this thing took to resolve.

    OFF is small, but they're fiesty.

  3. Actually David, I've about given up on the "easy thing". I am almost anxious for the difficult thing. I have finally decided that it is inevitable, and every day it is postponed is another day some of us die, or become a one particularly targeted victim, fettered and rendered irrelevant by the predations of our would be masters ala Olofson, Fincher, Horsely, Savage, Branch Davidians, Maye, Fredericks, Weaver and countless others.

    So, I may not be too enthusiastic about the "easy thing" anymore. It is like when you know someone who has determined to harm you and the only thing that will disabuse him of that idea is a damn good ass-whipping. You're all talked out and it is time to do something different.

    I know you have been there, as have I. My patience is very depleted.


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