Sunday, September 14, 2008

They're So Light(worker) and Fluffy

Activists at a conservative political forum snapped up boxes of waffle mix depicting Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama as a racial stereotype on its front and wearing Arab-like headdress on its top flap.
The flap ought to be that anyone--including democrat "Authorized Journalists," are making a flap out of this.

If the caricature on the box is racist, then so is every political cartoon out there with The Lightworker's likeness. And so is every cartoon of anyone. If his devotees really want to play down any Islamophobia, they ought to stop acting like fatwah-issuing fanatics, and like his image is too sacred to graphically portray.


  1. Hmmm... Suddenly I'm hungry for waffles!


  2. Thou shalt make no graven images of thy god.

  3. > If the caricature on the box is racist, then so is every political cartoon out there with The Lightworker's likeness.

    And, the editors of MAD Magazine are surely in deep doo-doo ;)

    Mark Odell

  4. Oh, it's blindingly obvious that this is racist, but I agree that it doesn't really count as news. Conservatives are a bunch of bigots? Gosh, what a surprise...

  5. Don't worry ken hagler, IF obama is elected everything said about or voted against him will be deemed 'racist.'

    While we're on the subject of racist, can you define racism? After all, obama is black/kenyan-american, does have big ears, does waffle. So what is racism anyway?

  6. Well, you gotta admit that waffles are the perfect product to carry his caricature.

    As far as racism goes, this time around, Obama started it. When you call the tune, you may be required to dance. Too boo hoo hoo bad.

    If I agreed with everything Obama stood for, providing anybody can figure out what that is, I still wouldn't vote for him. I don't vote for racists.

  7. Oh, and Ken Hagler, any bets on whether the marketers of this particular product are actually conservatives. I have serious doubts about that. This plays more like a liberal grabbing what he can, when he can, from whomever he can.

    Anybody feel like doing a little research into the company and their politics and political contributions?

    Might be enlightening.

  8. Racism: Thinking that "race" matters in any way other than as superficial description for identification purposes. As in: I am the tall honkey/gringo/white guy with long hair in the big hat.

  9. So people take offense now.

    Where were they when Emerge magazine hatefully depicted Justice Thomas as a lawn jockey:

  10. Oh, plenty of people were offended by the bigotry against Clarence Thomas, which went far behind one magazine and in fact pervaded his "confirmation hearing," which he accurately described as a "high tech lynching." Actually I think a more relevant comparison today would be the sexism directed at Governor Palin, as that's currently having an effect on the Presidential campaign.

    Which goes to what I was trying to get at. When conservatives do something bigoted or sexist, it doesn't really hurt them, because everyone expects it of them--there's really no _new_ harm that can be done.

    However, liberals go on (at ponderous length) about how wonderfully open-minded and diverse they are, so when they do something bigoted or sexist it really stands out as showing how full of crap they are and causes them significant harm.


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