Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tree People

I want you to know that, trees, that we care!

...Bring me to this rock, that has the most incredible life...
First the Zargonian sympathizers and now this. Click the title link and shake your head in disbelief. You can't make this stuff up.

Lunatic emotion-based demands for social change: where have gun owners seen that before?

Here's an appropriate response.

Speaking as someone who loaded up, unloaded and stacked two truckloads of logs over the weekend for the firepit, let me say the only pain I'm feeling is my achin' back and arms, which hadn't yet recovered from cleaning up after last week's windstorm that knocked over one tree in my yard and split off a huge, thick branch from another.

[Via Carl S]


  1. Saw this a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't want to pass it along as you were pretty busy. Target rich enviornment. They hate us 'cause we're trees?

  2. Supposedly posted in response to Oprah's cheerleading for "more law enforcement resources" (read: privacy-killing monitoring tools) to prevent pedophiles from sharing child porn on the Internet. Without following it too closely, I guess the responder is saying TERRORISTS like Earth First! are known but NOT prosecuted, and should be a priority rather than watching EVERYONE.
    Anyway, yes, some people are skewed. Know how the War on Drugs is causing record body counts in Mexico? Greenpeace protestors addressed the mexican government this week, urgently demanding immeditate action on ... wait for it... junk food in Mexican schools. Just like PETA went to Beijing to campaign for the safety and security of ... wild bears.

  3. Why are they not crying over the death of the cotton in their clothing? Or the destruction of the hemp they burn, or ....? Are they only concerned about particular species and ignoring the plight of others? That would make them hypocrites. Hmmmmm.
    I love nature because I understand how it really works.

  4. I needed that video in so many different ways... that made my day. think I will switch all my synthetic stocks back to the original wood ones for today. just to honor them.

  5. Maybe they're trying to stave off The Crappening.

  6. Silly people. I sat dumbfounded through that entire video. How stupid with that young screaming girl feel in a couple years when she sees this again?

    What fools.

  7. Well, there's a 1:47 of my life I'll never get back.

    I like trees myself, but I think this is a bit extreme.

    And hey, near the end of the video, that drum sure looked like it was made out of animal hide to me.

  8. With apologies to Ah-nold...

    The best in life is, "to go into the forest with your chainsaw, to see the trees fall before you, and to hear the lamentation of the hippies". ;)

  9. I would never advocate senseless destruction since it isn't too bright to crap in your own nest, just don't worship nature. I suppose there are sillier things to worship, though.

  10. Wow, and I thought that I had no life.

    ...I have the sudden urge to buy a chainsaw...


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