Sunday, September 07, 2008

We're the Only Ones Eliminating the Competition Enough

But Blue Island Police Chief Douglas Hoglund shut down the event just 30 minutes after it began, confiscating the nine guns that had been turned in. Hoglund said the building didn't have a business license and no one authorized by a law enforcement agency was there to take possession of the traded-in guns.
Yeah, everyone knows you need to be an "Only One." That's what the term means.

But what I'm wondering is why no charges have been filed for illegal transfer and possession of firearms--not only in violation of state laws, but also federal edicts.

Where's BATFU on this, since Chief Hoglund declined to arrest him (or those illegally transferring their guns to him) on state FOID violations, and why isn't Jesse Jackson/Charlie Rangel protege Tommy Brown facing federal charges?

Let's ask him!

And while I won't ask them, I can't help but wonder if a proponent of "enforce existing gun laws" might find out for us why a prominent gungrabber can get away with disregarding edicts they'd put the rest of us away for. It's not like Chief Hoglund can't give 'em all the evidence they'll need...

I wonder which group Mr. Brown will end up joining: Mayors or Prohibited Persons Against Guns...?

UPDATE: It's been suggested that even though none of the exempting criteria for the feds deferring to state controls were followed, this might in fact still not be a violation of federal law. If true, does that mean there's a "Gun Buyback Loophole"...? And why isn't he being charged with state violations, as you or I would be?

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