Monday, October 06, 2008

Another Fudd for Obama

Anybody know this Greg West tool? I've found a few name matches in searches, but don't want to publicly speculate on any of them being him if it's not--if anyone KNOWS him, please tell us what you know.

I note Fuddites and bedwetters are dominating the conversation on the CBS site so far...


  1. We can do nothing to change the minds of those quoted simply because they have seen the truth and rejected it. That is a conscious act that is commensurate with the character.

    There is no point in refuting these people, unless it would be to persuade the uninformed that they lie.

    Unfortunately, if someone at this late date is still uninformed, they are beyond rescue. To be uninformed at this late date is also a conscious act. That makes them enemies of liberty, whether that was their intention or not.

  2. SA is right. It's too late to save the Kool-Aid drinkers who posted comments on the site. (I don't like to register on sites that require it.)

    Keep your weapons ready, and your powder dry.

  3. I doubt he even shoots.

    Just more astro-turf.

  4. i like how some people talk about the "powerful" NRA or the "powerful gun lobby," as if it's a bunch of overpaid lawyers with a history of waging class warfare through government collusion under their belt. reality of the situation is that it's an organization for millions of honest americans that cover the full spectrum of demographics to make themselves heard. similar to, oh i don't know, the israel lobby?

    the voices and financial support of millions of americans creates a powerful lobby in a... what's it called? a democracy?

    well, shucks. there ought to be a party for that.

    and these authorized journalists and state-worshipping op-eds have the nerve to suggest it in the pejorative. doublethink at its finest, folks.

  5. just another 'wannbe important 'fore I die' jackanape or more likely a pseudonymous figment of some pecksniff adman's imagination...


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