Monday, October 06, 2008

Barbaric Religious Fanatics

A Muslim cleric has called for Saudi women to wear a full veil, or nigab, that reveals only one eye, in order to control seduction...
Yeah, shift the blame to the object of your sick fixation, you repressed medieval deviant.

There's no reasoning with zealots like this. No middle ground. No compromise possible. They won't allow it.

Kind of like the fanatics who freak at the prospect of armed citizens. Like we're responsible for their perverted fantasies.


  1. They can't be reasoned with, but they can be neutralized.

  2. I know this sounds like a stereotype, but there are reasons stereotypes become stereotypes.

    If he really wanted to control seduction in the muslim community he would be more successful garbing goats and young boys as he has suggested for women. Ask anyone who has been there.

  3. Does this loon realize that what he proposes endangers women? Cover one eye, and depth perception is out the window. That endangers them as they try to navigate this world.

    On the other hand, maybe that's what this twisted cretin wants.

  4. May I suggest that in denying the fundamentalist Islamists their desired control over the lives of others, we invoke the rule promulgated by a British Viceroy in India, who stopped the practice of suttee (tossing widows on the funeral pyres of their late husbands)?

    He informed all and sundry that their custom would be respected, but that if the murder of the widow was carried out, the British custom of hanging murderers would be followed. A gallows next to every funeral pyre was promised. Oddly enough, the practice of suttee fell into immediate disuse.

    For those who insist on burkhas for others, simply insist that burkhas are optional, but severe punishment for male misdeeds against women is not optional, but mandatory. Both insistence on burkhas, and male assaults on women, will decline precipitously.


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