Wednesday, October 08, 2008


More than 120 students have signed a petition protesting “gun promotion” at pep rallies, but the school principal, Nathan Chaddick, called the skit "simple, innocent satire" to boost school spirit, according to the Sentinel.
120 out of over 1,800 students? That's national news?

Get a counter-petition protesting panty-wringers and bury 'em. Problem solved.

[Via Brian F]


  1. Who let those protesting pinheads take residency in Texas, must be fugitives from Californicatia.

    Leave the kids alone, or better yet, form up a school rifle team and turn 'em into marksmen (and women).

  2. It doesn't sound like a promotion of GUNS at all, but of the POSSE, the venerable militia response to criminals famous from Western movies. The cowboy hats are a clue. It's a historical reference about what used to happen to horse thieves.
    They used to HANG thieves, but that's dangerous to re-enact.
    I've seen less-tasteful and less sportsmanship-oriented skits at COLLEGES. The ONE PERCENT who object should say their piece and then SHUT UP.

  3. To be honest, I found the execution style depiction offensive. And I am not opposed to killing. I just oppose it when unnecessary. Once the bad guys were vanquished the skit should have taken another direction,in my opinion.

    However, my opinion does not grant me or any one else the right of censorship. So they get to do their skit, and people who didn't like it, get to say so.

    Neither side gets to censor the other. At least they are not supposed to be able to in America.


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