Saturday, October 04, 2008

Growing the Democrat Base

Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine has granted voting rights to nearly 1,500 felons this year, bumping up the voter rolls ahead of next month's presidential election and putting himself on pace to exceed the record-setting pattern of his predecessor.
Maybe he can bus them to citizen disarmament rallies, too.

I'm not changing my long-held position that whoever can't be trusted with a gun can't be trusted without a custodian, I'm just observing a reality that I've never seen properly exploited: I'd like to see someone take a valid survey of maximum security prisoners for their preferred political affiliation and candidates.

1 comment:

  1. Republican, democrat, it doesn't matter. When you put the control of the country in the hands of people who have no stake in it, it's the perfect setup for 'bread to the circus'. It's bad enough that most of today's voters stand to personally profit from the treasury, but at least MOST of them already pay into the system.

    More and more I'm thinking Heinlein had a strong point. Citizenship should be restricted to those who prove they're willing to stand up and take responsibility for their community.


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