Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Major Benefit

Among the supporters of the proposed ordinance is David Blankenhorn, Pottsville, who said one of his pistols was stolen from him about 20 years ago and police discovered it seven years later.

“It turned up in a drug raid in Auburn. Because I reported it in 24 hours, because I cooperated with the law, I was given that gun back. This ordinance can have a major benefit. If you simply follow the law, it works with you,” Blankenhorn said.
I thought PA had state preemption. And we've been through the self-incrimination exemption for prohibited persons. There would also seem to be a 5th Amendment consideration if your firearm is stolen from your vehicle and you did not have it secured in accordance with state law.

Meanwhile, geniuses like Fudd Blankenhorn here appear too dense to grasp that most of us are going to report stolen property in the hopes of recovery anyway--but criminalizing us--threatening fines, incarceration, and ultimately use of force to coerce compliance--is hardly a "major benefit."

I'm waiting for some sharp and scummy trial lawyer to sue a gun owner reporting a missing gun for negligence, in that they failed to properly secure it from theft--and knew or should have known of the likelihood that it would be used for criminal purposes. The mandated police report ought to give them all the evidence they need.

1 comment:

  1. Front page news in the Pottsville Republican Herald here today.

    The Chief,Joe Murton,says this isn't an infringement of 2A,

    Why do you suppose he said THAT?!?!


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