Thursday, October 02, 2008

Meanwhile, Back in Bloomberg Paradise...

Masked gunman kills Brooklyn mother
Gun control. It's for the children.

Until they start losing their defenseless mothers.


  1. "For the chidren" is a political lie. Always has been. Gun control is about controlling the people without the of a 2nd American Revolution.

  2. "Without the RISK of a 2nd..." Don't know what happened to the word. It was there when Itried to post.

  3. Shouldn't we have monitors watching Bloomberg and NYC government and placing corrective measures in place? I mean, how could he object, he started it? and he is getting people killed.

    Whereas the gunman alone is responsible for his use of the gun, not the dealer from whom he bought it, not his kindergarten teacher who didn't let him finish his cookie. Nobody but him. But Bloomberg and NYC city government are responsible for all the people who can't defend themselves. They punish people who retain the ability to resist murder. They are responsible.

    Changed my mind. Sue him Hell! Charge him as an accessory in a capital murder or hundreds.

  4. I just made the following comment to the site that ran the story.

    A victim unable to defend herself. If the police had been a block away they would have been unable to save the victim. An available functional firearm in the home would have been her only hope - Oh, that's right citizens in NY don't have 2nd amendment rights and aren't supposed to possess firearms. Result: a motherless child.

    I hope your mayor is proud of himself.


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