Sunday, October 26, 2008

The One Good Thing about Obama

Is that his presidency might actually precipitate the disintegration of the United States...
Scary, isn't it? Bloody terrifying, actually.

But what do we do if the alternative turns out to be scarier?


  1. The only scary thing about it is how the Feds will attempt to smash the people who attempt to leave. All peoples should have the right to remove themselves and their homes from a larger political entity. Anything else is tyranny.

  2. Too many of the red states all at once will want this to happen because the people will be so pissed off at the federal government.
    The one fast way to curb the federal government is to: End the 16th and 17th amendment. With the 17th gone the senate would be filled with more senators from the red states and state's rights would be back on track, reducing the federal government's size. Ending the 16th would allow the states to give the federal government its funding. And the federal government could no longer blackmail the states to pass unwanted laws to get federal funding that the people in that state gave to the fed in the first place.
    Its not so much breaking up the union as it is restoring the Constitution and giving back the power to the states that the fed took away with the scam of the 17th Amendment, for starters.
    If none of that happens its anyone's call.

  3. When in doubt, empty your magazine. Alea iacta est.

  4. i read grigg's article the other day, and it struck a chord because i've basically had the same sentiment for some time.

    assume the feds don't simply allow the states to walk away -- where are they going to get the resources to stop it if their credit rating is internationally gutted? how will they spin it to get public support?

    what would sun tzu do?

  5. Unfortunately, I believe there are enough people in this country stupid, petty, and selfish enough to allow the dissolution of the United States to happen. From a purely personal standpoint I might wish for it myself. But I also believe that it would guarantee that within a relatively short time period, say 15 to 25 years, each of the splinter nations would be picked off one by one. Don't recall whether it was Sun Tzu or Nicolo Machiavelli who first came up with the phrase "divide and conquer" but it is a tactic that tends to work. My money would be on the Chinese as the most likely candidates, though a resurgent Soviet Union or a Muslim state unified under jihad are also possibilities.
    I may be a fool, but I still believe we can fix what we've got rather than pulling it all down to start over. I am reluctantly willing to consider four years of BHO and his fellow travelers to be a very nasty wakeup call for the clueless majority even though it may take that same 15 to 25 years to repair the damage he and his party bring down upon us.

  6. My philosophy has always been this:

    I refuse to cede one inch of American soil to the collectivist bastards. If they screw up and provoke war, then I will not rest easy in life or in my grave until the freedom-stealing sons of bitches are driven into the sea. As they apparently feel the same way about me and mine, I believe this to be fair. War to the knife and knife to the hilt.

    Mike Vanderboegh



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