Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Stop Me Before I Kill Again

“I dont like guns much, and the reason I don”t like them is because I do like them,” the New York Daily News quoted him, as saying.

“If you put one in my hand, I feel incredibly omnipotent. And I hate that truth,” he added.
Nice self control. There's a man I can admire.

If I didn't know better, I might think some of these movie heroes are nothing more than weakling stage props with artificially inflated egos.

I'm sure glad the "Authorized Journalists" hang on their every word so that we can share in their wisdom. We want to keep that pH Factor growing (currently at 1.6:59, up from 1:24 just since February)...

[Via KABA Newslinks]


  1. “I dont like guns much, and the reason I don”t like them is because I do like them,”

    that right there smacks of mental illness.

  2. “I dont like cars much, and the reason I don”t like them is because I do like them,” the New York Daily News quoted him, as saying.

    “If you put one in my hand, I feel incredibly omnipotent. And I hate that truth,” he added.

    A drunk driver who likes to drive fast and has killed a family going to church one Sunday morning.
    Cars don't kill the drivers do.

  3. He WOULD be omnipotent in most major American cities. Until police arrived with THEIR guns.
    That's the REAL truth.
    Unless he ran up against someone with guns and no morals. Then he'd die, still feeling omnipotent.
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. In the land of the sighted, they want to ban telescopes and binoculars except for the very few...

  4. Defender: In my experience, that quote should be " In the land of the blind, the one eyed man has no credibility".

    Sam W

  5. I think y'all are being too hard on the mope.

    The right to arms includes the right to Not Bear them, remember?

    And this guy seems to be self-aware enough to realize that he should not have a gun. Better now than after some horriffic incident.

    Besides that, he seems to be a total d1ck.


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