Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Vanderboegh: An Open Letter to Jonathan Chait

Jonathan Chait of The New Republic has proclaimed the death of conservatism and free an article titled "End of an Error: The Twilight of Conservative Rule" in the magazine's 22 October 2008 edition.

I just posted the following reply on TNR's comment page...
Weeding out phony competitors for the mantle of "conservative" may not be such a bad thing after all...


  1. The thing I like about Mike so much is, that he hits the nail exactly on the head, so many times, and accurately. It's like he's speaking what is in my mind. The faux-conservatives are one of the worst aspects of the govt., I think of them as traitors in our midst. They make all the right noises, but their acts show them to be jello. A murderer is less to fear.

  2. Perfect storm; dem house, senate, white house. CONgress is sworn on the 5th, Pres on the 20th. I see nothing to prevent immediate session for passage economic re-ordering and gun bans. The bills will have been printed, awaiting only up-down vote and prompt signing ceremony.

    After all, we want change and we want it now.

  3. Bush and the Republican MINORITY in Congress are certainly being blamed for the "sudden" economic crisis and the war in Iraq in which more Americans have died than were killed on 9/11. It certainly seems like a setup for regime change to me.
    I've heard of one or two Democrats at the federal level who are conservatives, and I can name two Republicans who are. The rest? Socialists coming out of the closet. It's safe now, they think, what with the rest of the world being that way.

  4. I see nothing to prevent immediate session for passage economic re-ordering and gun bans. The bills will have been printed, awaiting only up-down vote and prompt signing ceremony.



  5. Memo to self: Ask Claire Wolfe if it is now time to shoot the bastards...

    I think it is, whether we like it or not.

  6. Waaaaaaay past time, ML. I just don't wanna be the first.

    I'll respect "conservatives", real or fake, as soon as they drop support for their favorite police-state program (whatever it may be). As they say, when there is a boot on your neck, it doesn't matter if it is a right boot or a left boot.


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