Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We're the Only Ones Camera-Shy Enough

Turn the camera off.
By what authority?

And understand when an "Only One" gives an order, he's prepared to escalate force to whatever extent he sees fit to execute it.

Who is this thug?

[Via Jeffersonian and Mack H]


  1. Some day free people will see acts like this as the "indefensible acts of aggression deserving immediate self-defense" that they truly are. On that day it will be prudent to toss the badge and clown-suit in the ditch and hide in a dumpster with the rest of the garbage, Mr LEO.

  2. The city's Commonwealth's Attorney has told the President of VCDL today that he will in fact prosecute Dan Moore.

  3. I still can't see the video, is it up anywhere else?

  4. In Washington cops don't have the authority to order people not to record (in the performance of their duties) them because they are public servants.


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