Saturday, October 25, 2008

We're the Only Ones Doggone Enough

Click on the title link.

Watch the video.

Appalling. What a despicable, cowardly act.

One thing I noticed--Blanchard is in McClain County. The news account says the cowardly thug "Only One" (and what the hell is his name?) was from Grady County. Seems to me, two sheriffs ought to be involved in putting this rabid sonofa... down. Assuming this kind of state-sponsored terrorism hasn't been encouraged and rewarded in their departments...

Oh, here it is--DEPUTY SEAN KNIGHT.

[Via John G]


  1. Reminds me of the time in Tennessee--Police Shoot Family's Pet Dog During Mistaken Stop ------

    The only ones excuse --- I feared for my life.

  2. He has a radio, probably a computer system, and an A driver...why in the world would he be "stopping for directions"? I vaguely remember hearing that they are forbidden from doing that, as they might be sent away from a crime by accident. His story is bunk.

  3. here is my email to Acting Sheriff Crabb (the elected sheriff has pled guilty to several felonies)

    "I understand that you are the acting sheriff for Grady County, Ok. in the enforced absence of former Sheriff McMullen.

    I just want to wish you a better performance acting as sheriff than your deputy Sean Knight is giving acting the role of a man.

    You should probably get rid of him. Any pseudo-man that scared of a little dog on its own property shouldn't have any increased authority over anything or anyone. Not only is his courage suspect,but his integrity has been proven to be non-existent. He lied. Do you really need a man on your force you can't trust? A man with a gun who is eager to use it and can't be trusted? Really?

    If of course, you knew the truth, then you can't be trusted either and this will fall on blind eyes. But if he committed the crime of filing a false police report and you already know he is a coward, what is his price for betraying you again, maybe personally?

    Just a thought.

    Charles H. Sawders

    Address provided by request.

  4. I grew up in that area, 50 miles south. In all that time, I only knew three LEO's that were good men. The rest were thugs and cowards, drunkards, and crooks, to a man.


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