Thursday, October 09, 2008

We're the Only Ones Not Doing Our Jobs Enough

As the nationwide mortgage crisis puts the squeeze on homeowners, the Cook County sheriff's office is on pace to evict more people than ever from foreclosed homes.

At least it was until Wednesday, when Sheriff Tom Dart announced he wouldn't do it anymore.

...By refusing to do any foreclosure-related evictions, the hope is that banks will change their policies.
That's the purview of Cook County "Only Ones"? Their opinion on "social justice" decides what's enforceable?

If so, can we count on Sheriff Dart to immediately disband the Eviction, Levy & Warrant Unit, and return their funding to the county? And if he expects private entities to handle their own evictions, will he also turn a blind eye to property owners/agents arming to protect themselves against hostile and emotional evictees? Or if not, also admit that his people don't need that precaution either?

Note this is not commentary on the housing/lending mess, its causes or its solutions. That's a whole 'nother area you'd do well to keep informed on, but it's not my focus here.

[Via Lane]


  1. Part of the socialist playbook. First, only release enough info on what you're doing to create an uproar. Second, refuse to enforce any law(or right) that doen't conform to the workers paradise view on how things should be. And third, during litigation, controversy,et al, always take the side of the Poor, Downtrodden, and Didadvanteged, no matter what common sense or justice dictates. As soon as there is a breakdown of law and order, something always rushes in to replace it, since nature abhors a vacuum. That something is usually socialism.

  2. is the sheriff paid entirely out of taxes in his own county? or have the state and federal governments started pitching in over the years?

    it will be interesting to see where this goes and whether it spreads.

  3. FWIW, he says he is not going to evict any renters that pay their rent to an evil landlord who is the actual person in default.

    Besides, the renters are probably hard working immigrants anyway.

    It must be wonderful to know what's best for everyone. Is there a special class for that or something?

  4. I live in the Chicago suburbs, but not Crook County. Here is why the sherrif is doing this.

    Renters do not get notified that the home they are renting is being forclosed and that there is an eviction coming.

    The renter, who has been paying their rent on time, comes home to find their belongings on the front lawn. Sometimes some of their property has been stolen, because it is on the front lawn.

    If you put yourself in the shoes of the renter, I believe compassion will appear. Just because they rent, does not make them bad people. Does it?

    I think the sherrif is doing a good thing. I don't like Crook County (politics), and I don't like the "Only Ones", but every once in a while they do the right thing.

    I'd say this is a good thing.


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