Tuesday, October 07, 2008

What's in a Name?

Neel Kashkari, the Treasury's assistant secretary for international affairs, was selected Monday to be the interim head of Treasury's new Office of Financial Stability.
Or as W-3 says in his email to me:
Kash kari (Pronounced ? maybe - "Cash&Carry") - after "Kneeling" - you might notice.

A more appropriate name for the head of the government's "take the money and run" scheme could not have been dreamed up by Stephen King or Ian Fleming.

If it weren't so tragic it might be funny.


  1. ... formerly of the accounting firm of Bendover & Takit...

  2. no no, he worked with Paulson, so just another member of "the club"

    I hadn't really been paying attention, but I have heard his name a few times on the radio. Nice catch David.

  3. Ned, warn me before you do that--I almost sprayed my keyboard with coffee...:)

    HH, total credit goes to Mr. W for the catch.


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