Friday, November 07, 2008

Compulsory Service

Rep. Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, President-Elect Barack Obama's choice for chief of staff in his incoming administration, is co-author of a book, The Plan: Big Ideas for America, that calls for, among other things, compulsory service for all Americans ages 18 to 25.
Compulsory service. You mean like "slavery"? Wait 'til all the starry-eyed young Obama supporters find out what kind of changes he hopes for them personally.

Hey, life might not be so bad in the Tonton Macoutes.

For one thing, you'll get to wear a nifty armband...


  1. LOL. Buyers regret may be about to kick in.

    I prefer the Starship Troopers method. Make such service optional but required to vote or hold public office.

    Of course, I am speaking of the book, not the abomination that was the movie.

  2. Oh I can't wait for this. as a 22 year old I will gladly go do some service for the chosen one. I'll fuck things up so bad they won't want me anywhere near his precious community organizing.

    Gentlemen... "Infiltrate, Destroy, Rebuild"

  3. by "rebuild" do you mean "change" cause that sure seems like a familiar strategy there.

  4. They can only enslave you with your help.

  5. Armband? Heck I thought it was to go around their heads.

    Do Samurai Swords come wid it?

    Mass seppuku?


  6. They need to change the color of the armband; it won't match very well with the brown shirts...

  7. It's going to be really ironic if the first black president re-institutes slaver.

  8. Hey Joel. It's already that ironic. First off, it's enough that he approves of slavery. 2nd, there are many types of slavery. Economic slavery comes to mind, which is, of course, what Socialist / Fascist policies have already brought to the U.S. B.O. wants even more.

    Not exactly like the armband, and funnier: that's no moon ...

  9. Blogger hairy hobbit said...

    by "rebuild" do you mean "change" cause that sure seems like a familiar strategy there.

    No I mean rebuild. Rebuilding implies you've destroyed something. I'm more than happy to destroy things during my compulsory "volunteering". After all slavery can be met with the only moral act: Opposition.

  10. David, this is pretty bad. I actually know who the TonTon Macoutes are w/o looking and don't know why I retain that particular piece of trivia. Is the US becoming PaPa Doc territory?

  11. I am in this age-group. I refuse to go even if it means my life. I have the tools to back up my self-dignity and freedom.

  12. Scott,

    No go do it, and then start your own clandestine guerrilla war against the organization. Steal printer toners, Use copies for pro-liberty fliers, maybe even let a virus or two loose through their network.

    Make them unprofitable.


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