Thursday, November 20, 2008

Disappearing Act

The marks will be hustled and the snake oil supplies depleted (until they can make up a new batch for the next show). But here's what they'll be doing with the hidden hand as our attention is redirected by their stage moves and incantations: They'll make liberty disappear a little bit more. They'll reinforce the hypnotic suggestion that the average person is just too untrustworthy and incompetent to keep and bear arms, and that they, the ruling class and their enforcers, are the "only ones" qualified to possess them.

Today's Gun Rights Examiner column explores a dark magic trick.


  1. "Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"

  2. Better that than the promise to pull a hat out of a rabbit...

  3. So, the python keeps tightening it's coils, all in the name of safety.

    And who can be against safety?


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