Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Dunno...

Storing firearms in a gun safe is a highly effective safety measure and acts as a crime deterrent as well. But typical gun safes are large, plain and boxy - not suitable for living rooms, offices, or bedrooms. Stealth Vault gun safes are practical and fashionable, designed to be indistinguishable from ordinary furniture.
The text above is from a PR Newswire release--for some reason Blogger won't link to it--even using TinyURL.

Anyway, I don't have a use for it, but being on record that there is no one-size-fits-all approach for everyone, I can't sit here and pretend you won't.

If I were a burglar and couldn't open a locked drawer, I might reckon it contained something of value and just take the whole piece of furniture with me to break open later.


  1. I'd rather have a steel gun safe in the bedroom that is bolted to the floor/wall stud and know that anyone going after that is going to have a hard time than to have a wooden box/desk or whatever that can easily be broken into.

  2. The text above is from a PR Newswire release--for some reason Blogger won't link to it--even using TinyURL.

    Was this the link you tried, David? I think it will work.

  3. Yep. Blogger told me I had invalid url characters, and when I substituted a tinyurl I got an error/invalid page msg...

  4. Put a big steel gun safe somewhere the crooks can see it, and then hide your guns in a secret safe. Let them waste their time on the decoy.

  5. better yet, just shoot the crooks with guns you haven't put in the safe.

  6. Creator of Stealth Vault.

    I would just like to interject that the stealth fighter has no self defence weapons on board.
    It depends on stealth.
    I can say that i can and will be hiding in plain sight and yes a locked door would be of interest to a criminal but he still has to have some clue that its there.
    As do your childern.
    I can store a loaded hand gun at my bed side and have it in 2 seconds flat.
    you ask me that's not so bad.

    Thank you all for takeing the time to look it over.

  7. My under standing of the typical gun fight Is:
    They are fought at night.
    In 3 seconds.
    With an average of three shots fired.
    My source for that was a conceal carry course in 06.
    that would give me a 1 second drop on the bad guy.
    allot can happen in one second.

  8. On a separate topic.
    I am going to be purchasing an
    Does anyone have some thoughts 308 V 223?
    I was thinking the 308 would give me a hunting rifle, a bad guy at 300 to 400 yards or better. W/ Eotec 557NV and the 5x Magnifier for day night capability.

  9. Ccwerks, I'm the farthest thing from an authority on the subject, but I'll throw this out there.

    .308 offers significantly better power, penetration, and range, but significantly more recoil, ammo costs, and weight and bulk for similar quantities of ammo--probably higher magazine costs, too.

    As far as I know, EOTech doesn't make a 5x Magnifier (I know of the 3x and 4x). Some other company might make a 5x that might work with an EOTech sight, but I'd find out what you can about quality before buying it.

    Finally, I can't tell from your comment whether or not you're aware that the EOTech 557NV doesn't offer night vision capability of its own--it's just compatible with night vision you might be using in conjunction with it.

  10. The type of burglar that is attracted to your home depends on how wealthy you appear. My personal experience with a typical burglar (for my area) showed me that he wanted to be in and out of the house as fast as possible. He grabbed electronics, jewelry and tools and dumped all of it into an improvised sack. He didn't bother with the gun safe. It's easy to sell the mundane items through pawn shops without attracting attention.


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