Saturday, November 08, 2008

Keep Going Left, Boys, Toward the Cliff

GOP Invites Longtime Democrat Lieberman into the Fold
Because if there's one thing this last election taught us, it's that the Republican Party isn't "moderate" enough.

The only way to put fire in the bellies of your core constituency is to open up the Big Tent to even more diversity, to become even more like the democrats, abandon even more limited government principles, which face it, are just for freaks anyway.

It's like we've entered a post-Carroll Quigley era, one where the pretext of philosophically-opposed parties is no longer even needed. Everybody's conditioned and dumbed down enough now that emotionally-appealing manufactured imagery, combined with a few inane and meaningless sound bites, is enough.


  1. "Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos."

    -Homer Simpson

    To conservative, pro-gun GOP-niks reading this:

    The blue-blood, coutry-club, "sporting purposes" Rockefeller wing is not going to give up. They're already trying to hobble Palin for 2012.

    Wouldn't your fight with them be easier if a REAL conservative like Chuck Baldwin had "stolen" 10% of the vote? Seeing as McCain got beat like a readheaded stepchild even though you held your noses for him, you really had nothing to lose by "throwing your vote away" on an actual believer in RKBA.

  2. Al Gore's running mate?!? James Carville wasn't available, and Heinrich Himmler's dead.

    Practically speaking, there's no longer a reason to put the D or R after a politician's name.
    In our dystopian fiction, usually the ruling power structure is referred to as simply "The Party." Democrat politicians are the Inner Party, Republicans the Outer. We are the proles, the masses to be manipulated, milked and manhandled to generate some really coercive news video so 100 million people don't get ideas.
    People are find out that government IS like big business. "Competing" restaurant chains are owned by the same conglomerate. That's one reason Outback Steakhouse and Carraba's Italian Restaurant bot have the "No Rules" slogan. Only they don't tell you to boycott the other because they'll ruin your evening, or your country.


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