Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Personal Perspective on H-S Precision and Horiuchi

The unfolding H-S Precision/Lon Horiuchi fiasco literally made my jaw drop, probably because I was one of the few voices many years ago covering an angle of the Horiuchi prosecution that the mainstream press couldn't be bothered to notice.

I'd been involved even earlier in writing the Boundary County prosecutor to get the killer criminally tried. When a federal court gave the green light for doing just that, I speculated on whether or not the locals would take over.

Then came news the prosecutor was being investigated on felony forgery charges. My reaction:
It shows the prosecutor definitely vulnerable to being compromised...
The story, and my assessment, were then picked up by WorldNetDaily. And then, predictably, charges were dropped.

This link goes to an archived copy (KABA, you should not have gone in and erased a lot of stuff when new management took over the site--there is an historical record that deserves to be preserved)) of the prosecutor's rationale to do so, as well as the bitter responses of myself and colleagues Angel Shamaya and Russ Howard.

My own hypothesis, and I emphasize I can't prove it, is that pressure from on high was brought to bear. If I had a drink and a cigar, and was with people I knew around a campfire, I'd be speculating on blackmail/extortion.

Justice has not been done. And I'm still extremely bitter. Which is the reason I've purposely kept my emotions in check--so far. I just don't see how the owners of H-S Precision could be so damned...I don't even have a word for it.

I feel badly for employees who have their livelihoods invested there, because I can predict the potential fury of the storm we're just getting the first gusts from. Perhaps when it's over we can discuss ways the gun industry can attune itself with the activist community. That they don't already have someone assigned to monitor sentiment and feed that to their public face people just astounds me.

[More on Horiuchi from WarOnGuns]


  1. A signal to an incoming Democratic administration (which seemed likely enough at the time the catalog came out) that HS would be a reliable (politically as well as commercially) vendor?

    As I said over at Sebastian's, I never heard of this outfit before today, and I think I'll keep it that way.


  2. Unless H-S fires the person responsible for this decision and apologizes for its gross insensitivity, I'll never buy an H-S stock or any rifle that comes equipped with one. I'm even considering writing a letter to Remington about this, since I like their bolties and they sell a bunch with H-S stocks.

    I'm still shaking my head on this is no different than having Jack the Ripper endorse a knife company's products (or, for that matter, O.J. Simpson - maybe he's a better example, being alive and all).

  3. If you want to ask H-S how this happened I would suggest


  4. H-S Precision's website says they are "FBI-Approved."
    If you look real closely, in fine print is says "Perfect for head shots on innocent women holding babies."

  5. Thanks for the EMail address tom! I Emailed them:

    To Whom it May Concern,

    Having Lon Horiuchi endorse your products is like having OJ Simpson endorse knives, gloves, or Ford Broncos. You should really consider some fast damage control before your business suffers severely (and probably bankrupts) from the endorsement from this (unconvicted) murderer.


  6. They are just sucking up to their masters. I feel about the same way with any gun company who sells to any police forces or the military. Yet, this is worse, since the guy IS an admitted murderer. (I'm supposing he never denied firing the shot)

  7. HS Precision obviously wants the government as its sole customer over the citizens.

    The company probably knows that in an Obamanation they won't be able to sell to mere "citizens" for much longer.

    I'll never by any thing from them again.

  8. The murderer was at Waco too, picking them off on the back side, he and his ilk should have been twisting in the wind a long time ago. HS will never get another penny of mine.

  9. David, and ALL the other commentators, some research is in order.

    Lon was the manager of the contest to pick the next company to get an FBI Contract. Wanna take a guess at who won that contest? That is the letter they recieved, in '02 (when they got the contract), and it was most probably published by an editor who did not talk to Upper Management about it, or if they did, there were no names mentioned, just "An FBI agent."

  10. Ishida, I've done my research--if you visited here last night, you'll know I was the one urging verification before accepting the cover as real. And I have more on this I'm holding back for now because, as I indicated in my earlier post today on this, I want to see the H-S statement first.

    And yes, it is available knowledge just from reading the testimonial on the back of their '08 catalog that this was in response to HS supplying the FBI on a contract. But here is why your speculation is not credible to me: I worked in government contracting for over 16 years doing policies, procedures, proposals, system manuals, etc. for a program management-driven industry.

    It is simply not possible for their company program manager not to work closely with the govt program manager, in this case, LH, and for the entire executive staff not to be intimately familiar with the letter he wrote. That's the type of document that senior staff would place high regard in, and even crow about to show how good they are, which is what they did and how we ended up finding out. It is also inconceivable that senior management did not approve the design and final approval of the catalog.

    That is just not the way it works. This was no nameless "FBI agent" scenario as you postulate.

  11. ishida, I've done the research too, both Ruby Ridge and Waco were set ups for enforcing laws that are blatantly unconstitutional. Weaver was entrapment trying to get him to turn over others and Weaver's family was murdered for 1/4 inch of bbl on a shotgun that a "tax" of 200 was supposed to be paid, the guilty went free, the taxpayers paid Weaver 3 million. Waco was done over "abuse" charges that were thrown out of local courts at least twice, and "illegal weapons" that were never proven to exist or found. Lon is a murdering bastard that participated in both atrocities and he and his friends should be shunned and despised, after being convicted and executed for crimes against humanity under color of law.

  12. David: if Horiuchi is charged with voluntary manslaughter (or murder) there's no statute of limitations. Perhaps the current Boundary County prosecuting attorney would be more interested in bringing him to trial?

  13. Good to see everybody here so well informed
    ( more so than me ) on these government contract hits - it's just business . I've wondered also whether they were litmus tests , seeing how far they can push us before we snap back .

    And it's an enlightening look at the innocent bloodshed they've proven quite willing to commit .

    They were quite ready at Ruby Ridge and Waco to repulse any reasonable sized attack . Like pack wolves on the prowl for bodies they're a vicious breed .

    Guess we can only expect more of the same - "just doing their job" , as the updated decrees of the Realm ( oops - Only Ones )will list record numbers of vile dissidents to be dealt with .
    The media moguls already got the beat to the music down .

  14. If the gov crims ever start rounding people up for the FEMA camps, they'll have a trusty in Lon. But when that's over, I'll bet Lon will be mounted on some Patriot's trophy room wall. Brings a smile to my face.

  15. Revisiting the circumstances of Horiuchi's acts, suddenly the Clinton Body Count seems to make a lot more sense.

    These are the men who make people disappear, in the name of God and country.

  16. Guns serve one genuine purpose and one purpose alone - to kill people.

    Our government of men, guided by good conscience and restrained by our Constitution serves but one legitimate purpose - to assure the Rights of Man as enumerated by the Constitution by providing a check upon the crooked ambition of men enterprise and the well-intentioned fools of government.

    Governed by our laws this legitimate purpose of ownership, with regard to the possession of firearms, is limited to acts of self-defense alone.

    Lon Horiuchi, acting as an agent of government, was acting neither in his own defense nor that of anyone else.

    HS Precision's decision to lionize this monster, in a maneuver of calculated opportunism, is damnable. They deserve neither consideration nor benefit of the doubt. I pray that HS Precision, Lon Horiuchi, and their breed find their hell in this life.

  17. I really really thought it was a hoax. Because *nobody* could be so recklessly arrogant, or arrogantly reckless, or just plain ignorantly stupid... David, you're right. There are no words for this.

  18. I thought the sob was in hiding. Then again he may think he could never be brought to justice. Or more precisely, that what he did was above the law. Karma may catch him yet.

  19. An aspect of this I have not seen mentioned is the simple tactical intelligence provided. One could now conjecture that, if one were engaged in a tactical scenario where FBI HRT snipers were also engaged, one might reasonably expect to recover full or partially full HS Precision magazines from downed participants. Just as some marines prefered AK47's in southeast asia because of availability of magazines and ammunition, a product using HS Precision magazines might be just the thing for keeping the modern homeland secure.

    That doesn't necessarily imply that one should *pay* for HS Precision products...

  20. In the long-run, we should be thankful for H-S Precision reminding us about the original sins of the ATF & FBI. Nothing like your enemy waving the bloody shirt in your face to key up the old memories and get the blood pumping anew.


  21. One problem with Idaho on this matter is the AG is a gun hater. He filed in support of DC and against Heller. Than pulled the filing but on the surface it looked like Idaho support DC along with the rest of the Marxist. To find out otherwise, one would have to dig deeper in more current filing on the case.
    David, I have all of the filings from the federal courts on this matter should you like to see them. I can fax them over to you if you like.

  22. I think about Waco and the Weavers every day. But I'm no longer surprised when people my age or older reply "Waco? Oh, yeah, that was where those Freeman (sic) guys holed up with machine guns after they killed a bunch of FBI guys in a tax protest."
    It IS good for the sins of the government to be exhumed from time to time in a BIG way. It would be better if the public were not so casual about a military operation against fellow citizens because they were a little different politically and religiously. A ghost stirs in a bunker in Berlin...

    A neighbor said when Bill Clinton was getting a BJ while talking to a general in the middle of a war, that just showed he could do two things at once. His impeachment died when Senators invoked SCOTTISH law.
    So then we had Bush II, who made Clinton look like a capable, dignified professional, so of COURSE fence-sitters voted Democrat in November and now people who brought you Waco are back in cabinet posts. The Untouchables.

  23. Well, kindly let Midway USA know "No sales until you drop ALL HS Precision products."

    The most effective way the send the message is shut off the money.

    There are plenty of other suppliers out there.

    If you have an on-line account, cancel it immediately. Send them an e-mail letting them know why you will spend you dollars elsewhere. Mail their catalog back to them with the reason why.

    Enough of us do it, and guess where HS Precision will be?

  24. BTW, Midway has no method or means of canceling the account on-line, so an e-mail or phone call will have to suffice.

    Larry Potterfield will have to decide whose side he is on.

    My e-mail and follow-up phone call will be first thing in the A.M.

  25. To Cranky's comment about the Clinton Body Count:

    Fully agreed, insofar as it goes. That said, however, it would do us well to remember that Ruby Ridge did not happen on Clinton's watch. That particular war crime is on Bush The Elder...from whom I do not recall getting any sort of apology either.

    Speaking of Waco, though, anyone want to take bets on when the next one will happen? Seems to me we're in a fairly similar position now to where we were in '93: a changing of the guard (well...the illusion thereof), a crappy economy, an agency with a need to be seen saving the universe from eeevil, a red carpet laid out for any-abuse-as-long-as-it's-"those guys", and several scapegoats-in-waiting to pick on. All we need now are a few well-timed, well-highlighted incidents to channel our attention onto the scapegoat of choice, a suitably dramatic backstory (invented if necessary, of course), and prime-time camera crews to film it all.

    Think the victims this time will be polite enough to allow the thugs to retreat and reload?


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